Weird AIM thing


Jun 12, 2003
I was talking to my sister on AIM yesterday and she im'd me saying "Im getting this camera, click here for a pic" She didnt even type this though, it just sent it to me. I clicked the link and it was a dead site that didnt work. any clues on whats going on? I know its here computer sending it out since i dont get it from anybody else.
she got an aim virus. that site shoulda loaded an activex applet that infects you as well. (spybot or admuncher activex blocking should block such things tho)
1 of 2 things. it could be a virus but also it could just be that one of you needs to restart aim. this happens with me and my brother. i would send him somthing and act like it didnt send. he would try to respond but he couldnt. he would restart his aim and i would restart mine and everything worked fine.

to protect your aim go here have your sister do it to.
if i got infected would i know,I i have nortan antivirus 2003 with all the live updates done. and i use adaware every night.
plus i have a hardware firewall built into the 2wire DSL modem. i did scanned for viruses using nortan and it shows nothing. but i know some trojans and stuff dont get picked up on nortan.
What your sister has is some sort of aim trojan. Her computer is infected with it and it automatically makes her spam those kind of IM messages to people on her buddy list with out her knowing. Also, you clicked the link which could possibly infect you too. If your computer is guarded by an anti-virus with spy-ware detection, then it shouldn't be a problem. Tell your sister to scan for viruses and spyware.

She can do a quick scan online.
It's almost as good as AVG and it doesn't need to be installed over the system. I would still recommend for your sister to get AVG.

Also tell your sister to scan with Ad-Aware & Spybot.