website and tracking information


Jul 1, 2003
i need some information on how you guys would go about making a website that could give you information based on a number you put it. This information will be tracking information on a particular package. The number will be a given number that corresponds with that package. Basically, all the files are dbase files that need to be converted into something readable. I then need to be able to use php or something to search through the readable information from the dbase file and then put it on the screen for the user looking for the tracking information. How would you go about this. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Php/mysql... Box for the user to enter the number... 'select * from table where id=number', display results in whatever format you want...

That's a nice generic response to a nice generic question. You need to be a little more specific :)
sure. all the information on a packages are automatically saved in dbase files. What i need to do is change the dbase files into something readable like a basic text file. Then i need to be able to request certain information from that text file so that it can be displayed to the user. This information also needs to be able to be requested via a specific number that corresponds with that package. What other information would help you help me? Also, the operating enviroment is linux.

Apache/Mysql will do the trick server end. Your linux may or may not already have them installed. Just get them both running in their default state will do fine. Get php running.

Here's how to install php if it's not already:

That done.. you just need to make a couple of simple pages. A request page where the user can enter the number of the package and an output page. A pretty vanilla database query.

To learn how to do that... is a good place to start I suppose. As you run into particular problems.. ask for help in the webmater/programming section.