Web Site Start up help


Oct 27, 2008
Hey guys, I'll be honest right off the bat that I am a complete newb with web design and creation but I really want to get into it. I own a couple of websites, www.newbpwners.com and www.vandalpride.com both of which have template guides that helped me get started. I now want to get away from that and start building it from the bottom up myself. Here is a project that I started on last night for a class so its pretty lame and very simple but I am getting used the the html coding http://students.ou.edu/K/Sheldon.E.Kernodle-1/home.html

Like I said before I dont even know where to start. So if anyone wants to help me out that would be great. Maybe some links to sites that would be helpful? Maybe someone could take me under their wing? :) I just want to start from the beginning and understand everything. Like how hosting works, what kind of hosting, how much space do I need, how do I upload content page to the site (filezilla?). I understand that it takes money to do this stuff, depending on what type of software you use and how much space you need. So any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you so much.