WD problems.


Jul 2, 2003
i have 2 WD drives, a 120 bb and a 200jb
the 200 has been a great drive but the 120 gives me a lot of problems.. and for some reason when i take the 120 off of the same ide cable as the 200 it causes the 200 to have problems

i want to send the 120 in to get warranteed but when i run the check on it nothing comes up but it will always have corrupted files and stuff like that.

does anyone have any ideas whats goin on... if you need more information just ask.

is it that there are so many sticky threads that no one reads them? :p

of course its best to check the obvious first :p
you change the jumpers when you did that?
It isnt by chance left on the middle (grey) slave connector as a Master HDD?
or jumpered as a Master with slave present when there isnt one
(it would be jumpered as a single in that case)

try cable select
try a different cable
review this post
specifically the DMI Hang proceedure
yes i changed the jumpers crrecty, tried a different cable, tried different jumper settings, but still without the other drive the 200gb becomes "innaccessable"

i really want to be able to either sell the 120 or get it waranteed or somethign so that i can use it... or get money for it...

but it seems that i have to keep it on my computer since it is keeping it working.
noo i have a 40 gb with the operating system on it....

but both of these drives are being run off of the ide card that came with the 200gb...

the 120 and 200 are just used for file storeage.