WD drive only letting me access 32 mb


May 11, 2005
So I removed one of my old hard drives from my machine and now my 1TB is only allowing me access to 32mb of the drive. I have done allot of searching to find help with this to no avail. When I go to computer management the drive is showing as 1tb and the bios is showing it as 1tb. All the info on the web that I can find is for drives that are not showing up as the right size anywhere.

I did try running a hdd capacity restore tool to and tried several tools on the ultimate boot disc but none seem to fix my issue. I ran a disk restore app I had and all my data is still on the disk but I only had a trial so I could not copy any of it off. I did try sticking it in another machine that is running xp and it still only shows 32 mb. I have nothing critical on the drive but its my media drive so reloading it will be a pain. Any help would be appreciated.
Aside from the obvious that you've already checked. Have you tried using a utility to check the hard drives SMART data? Speedfan has a utility in it that checks the data.

You might get a better response in the storage subforum though. What OS are you using? I know older OS's had issues with larger drives and since you haven't mentioned what you are using on that primary machine, that might be an issue.