Way to run program as admin...


[H]F Junkie
Aug 17, 2000
I want to be able to run a certain program as admin on certain machines but not anything else on that machine.... I want everything else to be restricted as a regular user... but just one program as admin.... can this be done??

Thanx, QJ
That's asking for trouble, and is really bad news in large situations.

Most programs, however poorly written they are, can be tweaked to run as a limited user. Common places those programs like to hide things are in c:\program files\common files and c:\winnt ( anywhere ).

Turn on file access auditing and go to work! :)
So I can't just have one single program run as admin?? And everything else normal user??

Alsoo.... just thought of something... Power User will work... can I just have one program run as a power user and nothing else?

Unfortunately, the only way I know how to do that without directly revealing an admin password is by running it through task scheduler. Any other method that I know of requires a plain text password to be handy to the calling program.
hey wait a minute.... task scheduler will be my answer :D the program is something that needs to start-up first thing anyhow... I can have it run as admin as soon as the machine boots up :D

Excellent idea... as it is now I have to manually go around to 40 machines each morning and turn the machines on and start up this program.... you may have saved me some time as well :D
