Want to learn how to make professional looking visio network diagrams


Limp Gawd
Oct 20, 2001
I know how to use visio but my network diagrams never end up looking all that great. I know how to get stencils and all but my cable management never looks right. For my job we lack visio diagrams of our b2b partner's environments and our site to site environment. I would score some huge points with my team as well as network engineering if I could put together some rocking documents. I would need information on circuits, b2b contact information, router information, interface information. We want to be able to visualize how things are connected so we can better support them.

Does anyone have any good advice, books, templates, or tutorials for putting these together? Visio seems like such a pain in the ass to link a lot of stuff together and have it look good. It feels like i'm doing something wrong, the links never connect right and I usually have to make multiple links and do a lot of adjusting.
I still suck at Visio, but I've gotten a lot better than I used to be. I don't know of any guides or anything, I just look at other people's work and try to emulate it.
Check out the network pics thread. I know its a LONG ass thread but people have posted in there how they do things and link to images(cisco switches, ect...).

i would use search function and select show post(default option is thread) It would be easier to find stuff ;)