WAN Gigabit needed and is Gamefuel worth it?


Limp Gawd
Jun 21, 2006
Hi! I'm in need of a new router. It will be be connected to my PC, printer, Wii, XBOX 360, and a handful of laptops. I just have two quick questions.

Gigabit LAN ports are a must this time around, but I'm not sure if I need a WAN Gigabit port? How useful will that be? Some routers have it, some don't. Will it affect my speeds from computer -> internet?

And what about this Gamefuel stuff from DLink's routers? Isn't this just QoS with a different name? Should I splurge to get one with Gamefuel or just stick with a DIR-855? I'll have so many client devices, I really need *some* sort of QoS, but not sure if I need this Gamefuel stuff.


fastest (home) downlink is 50Mbps (/20Mbps, VZ FIOS), half the speed of a stand 100Mbps ethernet link. Gbit isnt needed.
OK...Scratch that out; thankfully, that brings me to lots of cheaper options that are available, like the Linksys WRT330N.

On a whim, I checked out my modem's specifications; turns out it only has 100Mbps anyways, lol.

Now, if anyone knows something about this Gamefuel thing...

Thanks for the reply!

gigabit on the LAN side is useful. Gigabit WAN is not - i haven't seen any routers with this though.

If the router doesn't have gigabit on the lan side, you can just plug it into a 5-8 port gigabit switch instead that all your machines plug into.

I like my dlink DGL-4300, and i hear the 4500 is pretty nice.
OK, I guess I'll ignore Gigabit WAN for now, then.

That Gamefuel stuff looks like it works, but here is the issue: that review has P2P and games running on the same client machine; what if they were on separate ones? Will it make a difference, still?

Pass on the gigabit wan side. Thats just a marketing gimmick. I would be shocked if those soho modems could actually process a gigabit of data constantly... it's more like just an interface speed.

Also, most of your connections offered at home (read; all) doesn't even offer gigabit speeds, so the device would be pointless.

Now gigabit on the lan side, HIGHLY recommended. Also, gamefuel does give an improvment out of the box and can be useful for those pesky torrent users.