Wait for DX10 to upgrade?


Feb 17, 2006
I've heard rumors that the video cards being released now, like the X1950XT etc... Aren't going to be DX10 ready when it comes out sometime around Vista. First off, is this true? And if so, would it be a better idea for me to wait to rebuild my system until after the DX10/Vista release?
no, no current generation cards are DX10 capable due to the lack of unified shaders among other things, unfortunatly its not like a bios upgrade.
Zekenstein said:
I've heard rumors that the video cards being released now, like the X1950XT etc... Aren't going to be DX10 ready when it comes out sometime around Vista. First off, is this true? And if so, would it be a better idea for me to wait to rebuild my system until after the DX10/Vista release?

In my honest opinion, wait for Vista/Directx10 release. That is going to unlock some pretty nice stuff with ATI and Nvidia.

There is only like 1 or 2 cards out there that are DX10 capable, and by the time Vista/DX10 actually do come out, they will damn near be outdated again because of how fast technology moves now days.

Im in the same boat as you though, I am going to be waiting until the actual release then Im going to take a look at what Nvidia/ATI come out with, and besides bu that time Ill just do a full system upgrade to keep up with the latest equipment.

So my answer to you is wait and see what comes out.
Zekenstein said:
I've heard rumors that the video cards being released now, like the X1950XT etc... Aren't going to be DX10 ready when it comes out sometime around Vista. First off, is this true? And if so, would it be a better idea for me to wait to rebuild my system until after the DX10/Vista release?

Unless you want to be a beta bunny, you never buy version 1.0 of anything in the computer world. Either nothing works quite right, or nothing supports it. When DX10 does come out, there is still going to be one hell of a lot of DX9c games coming out -- what, they're going to develop for the .001% that have G80, and not for the majority with firebreathing X1900XTXXs and 7900GTXs?

Wait until it's matured a bit, first. At least until SP1 for Vista, I'd say, then re-evaluate it.
what are you talking about one or two direct x10 cards out there??? they arent even on the market yet.
going back to the OP's question (should I wait for DX10 to rebuild)...say i'm humming along just fine right now with a socket 939 chip (3700 or so), a good sli-ready board, a solid PSU, 2gb ram...and so on.

and even though i need a new card, i decide not to jump into the geforce 7950 stuff because i'm willing to wait for vista/dx10...maybe i buy a 7600gt to hold me over...

...is the rest of my rig still going to cut it when i look to buy that g80 or whatever sometime next year?

in other words (for those of you in the know) will my current board/chip/psu still be up for the conversion...? or is it time to start saving for a whole new rig next spring?
If you plan on buying a high end card, I would go ahead and wait.
G80 is supposed to launch in a little over a month. And R600 will be out after
Christmas. There won't be any DX10 games released in between G80 and R600 launch,
so personally if I were spending $400-$600 on a card I'd want to see them both compared by [H]
and other sites to know I got the one with the best features and performance for my situation.

Now if those flagships are out of your pricerange, there are some great deals out there on DX9C cards like 256mb X1900XT
and 7900GTO. Like someone said, realistically it's going to be at least a year before native DX10 games are common place.
Crysis is coming next year but I have a feeling, even it wasn't designed for DX10 from the beginning. At any rate, high end DX9 cards should still play it fairly well,
along with other announced DX10 games like Halo 2 (if you care :rolleyes: ) and MS Flight Sim. Although you might lose the newest eye candy.
sure wait for a DX10 card, thats what everyone is doing.

in the meantime get a DX9 card. That will last you quite a while

as already stated there are no DX10 cards out at the moment, Vista isn't out, ppl are not suddenly going to upgrade...

its going to take some time before dx10 is even listed as a spec
Zekenstein said:
I've heard rumors that the video cards being released now, like the X1950XT etc... Aren't going to be DX10 ready when it comes out sometime around Vista. First off, is this true? And if so, would it be a better idea for me to wait to rebuild my system until after the DX10/Vista release?

X1950 XTX, no. But G80 is and it will be out in mid-Novemember. If you already have a high-end graphics card i.e. 7900 GTX,X1900 XTX, 7950 GX2 or X1950 XTX, I don't think you really need a new card, until Vista is actually out.
Now for some one with a not so great graphics card, G80 is the card to get, because if the specs out there hold true, it's simply going to be the killer card for DX9. Nothing will even come close. It's also DX10 compliant, but how it performs in DX10 games, we can only guess (IMHO it will perform very well in DX10 too).
So bottom line is, if you have an high-end system now, you don't really need a new card, until Vista is out. But if that's not your case, the G80, which will be out before Vista, is the card to get.
DX10 will only work on Vista, NOT on Win XP.

This means that game publishers will not be able to make any money selling DX10-only games until 18-24 months after Vista is released. There just won't be enough installed base.

The games which have announced DX10 "support" are just using DX10 basically to increase framerates, no improvement in appearance. If you already have a high end card, you already have enough framerate to play anything.

So, IMO DX10 is not gonna be a real factor until probably 2008.
The next gen of cards will be a major performance boost, like new generations are supposed to be. I would guess that the performance gap will be much lager than the difference between the 7xxx and 6xxx series or the Xxxx and X1xxx series. I'm especially looking forward to what ATI has up their sleeve. They seem to be intent on make the R600 another R300. The G80 looks good too thought. I would have to say that in both DX 9 and DX 10, the next gen will make anything we have now look obsolete and it's release.
thanks for the opinions.

the related question was about rebuilding the whole system. are we going to need new boards, psu, and chips in order to squeeze the joy out of a G80? or will the system built now as though it were going to contain a couple of high-end 7xxx cards be adequate to the next-gen video cards?

seems smart to wait, in other words; but it's a different story if the thing one is waiting for requires a complete system overhaul as well.
"no improvement in appearance" i call you on this...provide some links to back up this statement dressed up as a "fact".

It is especially puzzling given the screenshots for flight sim X and crysis.

To account for the g80/R600 you just need to account for a current sli setup :)

If it were not for early adopters..nothing would get developed. Game companies will not opt for full hard core directX 10 UNTIL there is a sufficient base of hardware directX 10 parts.

So, i plan to do my part. It is easy as my curret vid. card is only a 9600 pro :) It all depends on where you are on your upgrade path :)