Wacky temps?


Jul 9, 2007
I've been out of the loop for a bit here because of school and work. The other day I reinstalled speedfan 4.34 on my pc and checked out the temps, which for the most part seemed right, except the gpu temp is sitting at 58C, my "Temp" which is LM75chip amd nfoprce 2 smbus reads 58C and one of my hdd's is reading 58C, which seems really high to me.
My system is:
Athlon 64 4000+
200gb Western Digital hdd
nvidia 8600gtx
2gb ram

In relation to this my brother is also having problems with his readouts, but more so than me. His temps are:
Temp1:32C (IT8712FJ chip; ISA bus)
Temp2: 36C (IT8712FJ chip; ISA bus)
Temp3: -13C (IT8712FJ chip; ISA bus)
CPU: -64C
Internal Temp: 32C
Remote Temp: -64C
Core: 18C (AMD K8)
Core: 56C (gpu)
Ambient: 0C (gpu heat sink)
His system:
Asus M2NE
Athlon X2 3600+
3gb ram
geforce 8500gt
I'm not too woried about these numbers except the gpu ones, mostly the huge difference in gpu core and its heat sink. He also put in a new fan recently that has some led thing that reads out his case temp as it runs and he said that since he installed it, it has gone up in temp each day. He said that right now it reads at 37C.

Is there something wrong with speedfan? or is there something else going on here?
Speedfan isn't particularly accurate at judging temps. For GPU temps, use the readouts given by the driver software, and for CPU temps, use either Core Temp, or Realtemp for newer 45nm Intel CPUs(which doesn't apply to you, but it's handy information nonetheless).