Visual Format of Folders...


Dec 16, 2005
Hello all,

I have my "My Pictures" folder set up with about 25 sub folders of pictures... how can I tell windows to set up each of the sub folders to show the pictures in filmstrip view.

Right now when I click on view Filmstrip isn't even an option... yesterday it was? prior to yesterday I'd have to manually change each folder inside the "my pictures" directory to filmstrip... only to find it reverts back to a different view upon closing the window.

Is there a way to make this setup permanent?

First: It helps if you let us know what operating system you use. I am assuming XP. Also I am not farmiliar with "filmstrip view" Perhaps you mean "thumbnail" ?

Right click on the folder and choose customize. You will notice a checkbox that says: "also apply this template to all subfolders" I believe if you set it up as a photo template it will do as you wish.

Also under tools/folder options there is a checkbox for "remember each folders view" about 2/3 way down the list.

If you are talking vista then this could be totally wrong.
I always wondered how people had the filmstrip view set's never been an option for me in any of my image folders.
Yes, Sorry for the omission... this is on windows XP... and Thank you ... it's working now... I have never seen that "remember each folders view" box before!

Appreciate it :) ,
djnes said:
I always wondered how people had the filmstrip view set's never been an option for me in any of my image folders.

Windows has to actually see the folder as an image folder to allow you to use the Filmstrip View.

To do this, right click on the folder, and go to the Customize tab. Select the Photo Album type. Then you are ready to rumble in filmstrip view!