Vista x86 versus x64


Limp Gawd
Nov 26, 2006
I saw posts on this subject before, but I don't see them know. I'm running Vista Ultimate x86 on my game box right now with a Opty 165 in it, and it does seem nice, but since this is just a box for gaming, all the drivers are out there for x64 for my box, so I wanted to give x64 a try and see if I gain some performance in speed with the Architecture compiled for 64bit I was certainly hoping MS did a nice job of this, and that the advantages would be readily noticeable.

Any thoughts here on this?
If you have all your drivers, go ahead and make the leap. The main concerns for going x64 are (lack) of drivers and (lack) of compatible software. I can't think of any examples right now, but some software uses 16-bit install routines that render it incompatible with x64 OSes, so you have to be careful. Also, some software just isn't written well in its 64-bit port. I'm not trying to scare you off, only give you a fair warning. If you do 3D work or Photoshop, and have 4GB RAM, watch your computer fly in 64-bit mode...
Having used x64 Vista Ultimate and 32bit Ultimate i can honestly say i don't notice a difference. They both feel identical to me in regards to my daily usage habits. One thing i have noticed though, MLB TV doesn't work in x64 which is enough to make me switch back. Something with flash/FF2.0 not working in that area, all other flash works fine however :confused:

No compelling reason to go 64bit unless you're looking at a program in particular. Just my .02
There is no reason why x64 vista would give you better performance, and no reason to expect that it would.

You should see the tiniest of improvements from the x64 device drivers you'll be using, but your programs themselves will still be x86 software ;)
There is no reason why x64 vista would give you better performance, and no reason to expect that it would.

You should see the tiniest of improvements from the x64 device drivers you'll be using, but your programs themselves will still be x86 software ;)

X86_64 is very good for number crunching with its handling of floats and such and if you run matlab,SABER,Xilinx,.... you will see an improvement in running a 64bit OS over a 32bit OS

for general home use to (when RAM < 4gig) x86_32 and x86_64 have no real difference in performance (bar stability/maturity of software/drivers)
..for general home use to (when RAM < 4gig)

Given that device driver supoort for x64 Vista is damn near as good as that for x86 Vista, I believe there is a case for a general rule of thumb suggestion that x64 is the best choice when 2Gb of RAM is exceeded. No fiddling about to get the extra available for program use - it just works.
Until something comes along that really offers improvement performance then i wouldn't.