Vista via MSDN subscription


Aug 21, 2006
Anyone here familiar with using Vista via a MSDN subscription? I'm part of the training team at work, we have a MSDN subscription. I downloaded Vista Ultimate from the MSDN site but I'm not quite clear what I can and cannot do with the installation. I know it's for testing and development purposes but thats not too clear, almost anyone can say they're using Vista to "test out the software". Is it ok to install it onto my personal computer and use it for day to day activities to get familiar with the OS? I won't be using it for commerical purposes, hosting web sites or anything of that nature.
It's probably very similar to the rules for my TechNet subscriptions. I download and use any of their software for testing purposes, and that does include usnig Vista on my everyday computer. I may be skirting the line here, but I am using Vista on my everyday work computer, simple to put it through the normal paces of my job and see what gives it fits and what doesn't.

I have a second, kiosk machine, sitting in a hot desk that's running XP Pro (our legal license). I have that loaded up with software such as Office 2007, Project 2007, etc, so anyone who asks me about that software, can sit and try it out. If they like it, such as Project 2007, we'll go buy legal licenses.

I cannot, and will not, install any of my TechNet software on anyone's computer, and let them use it for their primary job.