Vista undoing OC on Asus A8N32-SLI/Opt165


Nov 21, 2000
I installed vista RC1 tonight on my rig. This is normally an operton 165 OC'd to 2.5ghz. When I load up Vista it seems to be reducing the multiplier down so that the 165 is running at default speed. the HTT buss is still overclocked like usual I'm just being denied by the multiplier. If I boot back in to XP my OC is running as usual. Clock speed is being verified by CPU-Z and the amd clock program. Also the windows rating seems to be a low number appropriate for 1.8ghz so I'm fairly positive its really running at defaults.

It was the somewhat obvious fact that there is no ocol and quiet support for vista yet. When I finally disabled that completly in the bios the chip ran at its full speed. heh oh well