Vista Ultimate Full - Kablammo after Windows Update installs nVidia MB Update


RIP [H] Brother - June 1, 2022
Aug 9, 2005
Just picked up Vista Ultimate. Full version. Felt like a made a car payment :)

System is as in signature.

Installed to a second partition (not giving up XP quite yet). Clean install to that partition.

Install went fine.

After first login, Windows installed updates, and restarted.

Windows update showed 3 driver updates for the nVidia chipset. Installed them.

During install, an error bubble flashed up in the system tray. It was really fast, so I only caught a piece of it. Something about "MFT$ File Damaged" or something like that.

System restarted. It ran checkdisk automatically and it repaired what seemed like 1000 files. System rebooted.

That was the last time windows booted. It just self-reboots half-way through startup.

Will not boot up in safe mode. Last configuration no good. Tried to repair installation from the Vista CD. Nothing worked.

Starting over as of right now. Formatted the partition, and installing again.

Anyone else reported this? There is no clue as to which update caused the issue.
Ok, reinstalled windows fresh again, then installed the nVidia updates one at a time.

There were no issues this time. Go figure!

Onward and upward... :)