Vista Ultimate 64 bit Isnt Booting Fast


Limp Gawd
Sep 10, 2007
hi guys i've been a pretty happy guy with vista so far until 5 days, i noticed that it takes too much time between vista boot logo and welcome screen where i enter my password to get into my desktop (it takes between 40-55 seconds) i never had this problem before, when im logged in everything works fast no problem with that only when i turn my pc on, what can i do ? i gotta a pretty nice pc ( look at my sign ), i thought in system restore but i only see the last 3 days and i have like 5 days with this problem since i downloaded and installed some windows updates....any suggestions ? i also did disk defrag and its the same thing is there a way i can boot faster any tweaks ? or any ideas of why this is happening

thanks for all your help ....
The suggestion is:

Leave it alone. It's working, stop worrying so much about a few seconds of delay.

Vista is a self-tuning OS and typically for MOST people and hardware, it takes roughly 2-3 weeks of "normal" usage for Vista to self-tune and index itself as well as the contents of your hard drive (which always changes), and also to develop it's own "awareness" of your usage habits and patterns, aka what time you use the PC most often, what applications you run more often, etc.

It'll be fine, just stop worrying so much about miniscule details and delays and give it a few weeks to learn how you use the PC and then you'll begin to notice some seriously fast boot times as well as a far more responsive and snappy system overall.

My question for you is: why are you rebooting at all? :) Standby is the preferred method of leaving the PC when it's not being used, and that should only take a few seconds to bring you back to a working state. With a Raptor, even Hibernate would be faster overall than cold/warm rebooting. Why people reboot or even turn their PCs off anymore is beyond me. Put it in Standby and it'll be ready for you quickly when you're ready to work again.
so you are saying that after those windows updates vista will self-tune automatically so it can boot like it was once.....cause like i said it was booting fast until those windows updates....
and to answer your stand by you mean sleep mode if its sleep mode, i may sound dumb but i dont know how to bring my pc back from sleep mode, and about hibernate i heard that it can damage my ram what about power consumption on both...sleep mode or hibernate mode...and if you know how to bring it back from both modes, if stand by and sleep mode arent the same ? how does stand by works ? and about superfetching im not new with this pc i have like 5 months with it and no problems so far until those updates....

thanks for your help
have a look in your event viewer. maybe something is taking to long to load and timing out. thats generally the first place i look when the computer seems to be acting wrong without and major pointers to what caused it.

about sleep vs hibernate. sleep brings your hardware to a low power state, drives generally stop, monitor off, no network activity, ect. to unsleep you just move the mouse or key a key or whatever.
hibernate copies your entire ram contents and swap to the hard drive, and then write some little boot procedure, and then turns the computer completely off. when it is turned back on, it loads the data back into ram it goes right to the desktop. never heard of hibernate hurting ram; ive used it since xp came out with no problems. it does depend on good hardware drivers though, buggy drivers can make it fail.
Amazing how one issue blossoms into a bunch more questions... :D

Vista takes care of itself, that's the best way I can put it. It will "tune" itself over time to get faster and faster, more and more efficient. You don't need defraggers (Vista does self-defragging as required, as long as the PC is on it'll keep itself defragged), you don't need a bunch of "performance enhancers" (they never work anyway), etc. It will take care of itself, seriously, and unlike any other OS that came before it.

If you're having issues with Sleep, Standby, Hibernate or any other power saving modes, even Shutdown itself, it's related to something with ACPI and that means drivers. If even one device doesn't have a fully ACPI compliant driver the entire Sleep/Standby/Hibernate and even the Shutdown processes simply won't work the way they should. But that's another thread altogether and I'm not going into all that here.

And yes, Sleep and Standby generally mean the same low power just enough supplied to the RAM to keep the system ready for a restart. The terms are effectively interchangeable.

SuperPrefetch is how Vista caches nearly every available byte of RAM with program, user, and system data to make your PC much faster than XP or previous versions of Windows could ever dream of being. Again, it's a long complicated discussion that I won't go into in this thread. There are many others here you can search for and read up on covering these topics.

Good luck...
really thanks for all your help guys......and marty yes i already checked my event viewers and apparently everytime i restart or shutdown vista on the left side on the event viewer screen i get warning signs but the thing is that it doesnt say anything to fix it or it doesnt say if theres any problem with something, just the signs of there a way to fix all this ?

thanks for your help again guys