Vista SP1 *doubles* my DX10 Crossfire Crysis performance



that's no exaggeration. Before installing SP1, I could play Crysis at 1280x800 all High except Shadows medium and Water Maxiumum.

Now I get HIGHER frames at 1920x1200, all high except shadows medium and water maximum. But now, 4xAF into the picture!

I had to reinstall my ATI drivers, because performance was borked immediately after installing SP1, but now, I'm getting faster performance than EVER. I can't believe it. Now I feel like $450 for two 3870s was a good deal!

If you run Vista, do yourself a favor: upgrade to SP1, reinstall your ATI drivers and ENJOY!
okay, so i might have been a *little* hasty saying that SP1 doubles my Crysis FPS...


holy crap. i was thinking about selling these 3870s off for a GX2, but no more! basically, Vista SP1 made games run as fast as I think the should run!

Unreal Tournament 3 had a shitload of hitching and slowdown before. Now it's as smooth as UT2004. Smooth enough for me to rely on the shock rifle in the Deck17 remake level. THAT'S SMOOTH.


just like that my performance in games DOUBLED

not to even mention the fact that Oblivion doesn't even remotely slow down EVER

Wow! INSTALL SP1 NOW, reinstall your ATI drivers, and ENJOY!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA
dude you aint kidding I Am running Hellgate at 1680x1050 and that game I thought was buggy pos... but now wow the difference is utterly amazing. SMooth framerates. Its crazy! wooohoo!
dude you aint kidding I Am running Hellgate at 1680x1050 and that game I thought was buggy pos... but now wow the difference is utterly amazing. SMooth framerates. Its crazy! wooohoo!


it's like the difference going from a 6800GT to a 7800GTX ALL OVER AGAIN


I can NOT believe this much performance was locked away inside these cards waiting for some decent programming to release it! ALL the annoyances and slowdowns I had before are now gone in ALL my games... this is so fucking crazy. I shit you not when I say my performance has doubled.

This is so unbelieveable.!!!!!
Ah so games like UT3 and Hellgate runs as smooth as it does in winXP now for you vista users. :D
Ah so games like UT3 and Hellgate runs as smooth as it does in winXP now for you vista users. :D

well, it's more than that since i can run games in dx10 :D

seriously though, i've been playing games all night, and it's just a night and day difference. i'm really dumbstruck. i was thinking about selling off these 3870s, but no more!
Now I am am SORELY SORELY tempted to find a good Intel Crossfire compatible motherboard
and order a second 3870.
lol at MS finally fixing their broken operating system and you thinking it's the second coming of Jesus.

So the games run as fast as they do on WinXP, congrats.
If it truly did do what you are all saying then that's great. There isn't that big of a difference between Crysis on XP and Vista Pre SP1 ...
[H] did a review on this I believe and it was a single digit fps difference if I remember right. I will have to d/l SP1 and see if I get any better performance :)
Well, I had installed SP1 on my machine back when it was only available via torrent.

Then I got a 3870 to replace my 7900GS. I really never noticed a performance increase from going to SP1 over pre-SP1, but that was on my 7900GS so not sure.

In any case, I need to do a clean install because "windows defender" always gives an error on startup ever since I installed the torrent SP1.

Who kknows, maybe I will see a performance increase as well. Maybe overclocking the 3870 will make more of a difference.
Does this also apply to nvidia cards or just ati?
Oh my, I think I dodged a shot of Zinn' spooge entering this thread. Scary, but glad to hear it dude! Now the rest of you get to testing and let us know if this dude is talkin' out of his ass. ;-) I wonder if this holds true for nVidia card owners as well? I've been running SP1 since beta and it had a VERY positive effect on the performance of my system in every regard. The release bits are supposed to be the same as the RC but I think I'll do a fresh install anyway and patch with the SP1 RTM bits when I get my motherboard back and see what happens.

If this turns out to be a common occurance maybe Steve and Co. can do a little update on their ATI X2 review with SP1 and new drivers.
Does this also apply to nvidia cards or just ati?

I used the SP1 RC for a while on the rig in my sig (64-bit). I've since uninstalled it (to make way for the "real" SP1), and honestly I can't tell a difference. Performance is pretty much the same. I noticed a larger boost in my games going from my old 4200 to my shiny new 5000+ @ 3ghz.

Personally, it sounds to me like the OP and others noticing speed boosts didn't install some of the Vista hotfixes that addressed these issues earlier. Vista + hotfixes runs pretty much the exact same for me as XP Sp2 (except XP SP2 likes to BSOD despite being a completely fresh install with only drivers installed :/ )
Yea, did you guys have all the hotfixes up to this point? There were a couple that addressed multi-gpu setups - for virtual memory addressing, crossfire, etc.

I installed SP1 and haven't seen anything that noticable. But I am able to play crysis @ 1920x1200 with everything on Very High and get a solid 25-30 fps.

I'll have to check out UT3 tonight when I get home.
Hmm, maybe it's time to start migrating over to my Vista Ultimate installation. I don't think I've booted it but once in the last few months.
that's no exaggeration. Before installing SP1, I could play Crysis at 1280x800 all High except Shadows medium and Water Maxiumum.

Now I get HIGHER frames at 1920x1200, all high except shadows medium and water maximum. But now, 4xAF into the picture!

I had to reinstall my ATI drivers, because performance was borked immediately after installing SP1, but now, I'm getting faster performance than EVER. I can't believe it. Now I feel like $450 for two 3870s was a good deal!

If you run Vista, do yourself a favor: upgrade to SP1, reinstall your ATI drivers and ENJOY!

are you using 32bit or 64? :)
really double? i've got a xp/vista 64 dual boot on my amd test rig and only noticed slight improvement pre sp1. vista crysis performance is now closer to xp with the same settings, but still slower.
I runned 3dmark06 after installing SP1:
first run was 700 points lower
after reinstalling drivers score was exactly same as before
8222 on [email protected] and 2900pro@stock (256bit)
Anyone test these drivers with x1900(50) video cards? any improvements? UT3 is my biggest concern.
Why isn't anyone using.. Futuremark Vantage the new benchmarking app thats designed actually for Vista 32bit/64bit? I don't understand why an older app like that is still being used.
Hotfixes and Security Updates Included in Vista SP1

Note that all the fixes recommended by nvidia for multi-GPU and DX10 performance here are included. Whereas even the RTM SP1 was missing the newest one.

Yes, I know he's talking ATI/AMD. But these fixes are not nvidia-specific.

So, I'd guess that he has one of those systems that was suffering from one of those problems. . . and the hotfix fixed it.

Personally, I haven't noticed any dramatic improvement. Indeed, some over on the LotRO forums claim that one of the hotfixes ruins performance (though I suspect some other factor is at play).
I have an 8800 ultra, and I installed the SP1. No big fps increasement in Crysis, it doesn't mean I cant run at 1680 x 1050 at high/very high with 2x AA around 30fps
As has been posted, you guys are seeing improvements due to hotfixes previously released as optional standalones that are now rolling you up to the latest code with SP1.

The improvements are there nonetheless, not tryin to take anything away from that joy! It's just slightly inaccurate to claim SP1 brought this as the hotfixes have been available for some time to discerning Vista gamers.
Personally, I haven't noticed any dramatic improvement. Indeed, some over on the LotRO forums claim that one of the hotfixes ruins performance (though I suspect some other factor is at play).

Maybe they didn't reinstall catalyst drivers - I know my performance suffered after SP1 before installing 8.3 drivers again.
As has been posted, you guys are seeing improvements due to hotfixes previously released as optional standalones that are now rolling you up to the latest code with SP1.

The improvements are there nonetheless, not tryin to take anything away from that joy! It's just slightly inaccurate to claim SP1 brought this as the hotfixes have been available for some time to discerning Vista gamers.

The improvements that have come from SP1 are over and above the improvements that the previous hotfixes and optional updates brought. I am one of the "discerning vista gamers" and had installed every patch and hotfix anywhere to improve performance. I still noticed an improvement after installing SP1. SP1 is more that just a roll up of previous patches.
Why isn't anyone using.. Futuremark Vantage the new benchmarking app thats designed actually for Vista 32bit/64bit? I don't understand why an older app like that is still being used.

cause its not out yet?? lol...
Way to take a dump on a Let the people be happy!

Some of these people just didn't download the Hotfixes before sp1 came out, :"let them be happy", I've been happy since the Hotfixes and tweaking I've done. It's the other bugs that I have trouble with and why I go back to xp every once in awhile. I'm referring to Office Outlook, the other bugs are minor but annoying.
Some of these people just didn't download the Hotfixes before sp1 came out, :"let them be happy", I've been happy since the Hotfixes and tweaking I've done. It's the other bugs that I have trouble with and why I go back to xp every once in awhile. I'm referring to Office Outlook, the other bugs are minor but annoying.

I downloaded every hotfix I had available to me pre-SP1. I literally spent days tweaking to try to get the performance I'm getting now in Crysis, unsuccessfully. I think there's more to it than just hotfixes... like the new version of Direct X for one.
Some of these people just didn't download the Hotfixes before sp1 came out, :"let them be happy", I've been happy since the Hotfixes and tweaking I've done. It's the other bugs that I have trouble with and why I go back to xp every once in awhile. I'm referring to Office Outlook, the other bugs are minor but annoying.

Well I know one person already stated they had the hotfixes installed before, and SP1 still helped them out.

I personally didn't notice much of a difference at all. I'm just saying, don't take a crap on the thread, lol.

I'm still getting 18-25fps @1920x1200 everything on very high in Crysis before and after the SP1 install.