vista: run as admin command


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 3, 2000
alright, vista has a built in command to run as an administrator, say you right click on shortcut and select run as admin.

would there be ANY way to get that working in xp???

i know lots of people including me, used to take xp's msconfig and add it to win2k since win2k didnt have it.

something like this run as command would be handy as shit at my work.
alright, vista has a built in command to run as an administrator, say you right click on shortcut and select run as admin.

would there be ANY way to get that working in xp???

i know lots of people including me, used to take xp's msconfig and add it to win2k since win2k didnt have it.

something like this run as command would be handy as shit at my work.

create a shortcut to windows\system32\cmd.exe right click on that -> properties -> advanced -> select "run with different credentials"


If you are genuinely interested in running WinXP as non-admin, I highly recommend this article:

Great book too.
It's already built into WinXP if you're on a domain. . . right click on the program and choose "Run As. . ." and use an admin account. . .
It's already built into WinXP if you're on a domain. . . right click on the program and choose "Run As. . ." and use an admin account. . .

i'm talking about things like display properties, and system properties and control panel.

all our users are locked out of those settings and its a pain to log them out, log myself in to change settings for their account.

its mostly a pain because we just remote into their systems a lot to fix issues, and when we're under their name, we dont have access to simple things we need.
You all are making this difficult....

Go Into Control Panel...
Go To User Accounts and Family Safety....
Go To User Account....
Now here look for the option "User Account Control" and TURN THAT DAMN SHIT OFF! :D .

Now to fix the popup in the bottom right taskbar telling you its turned off....
Open up security center...
Click "Change the way security center alerts me" and TURN THAT DAMN SHIT OFF TOO! :D .

Any Questions :p
You all are making this difficult....

Go Into Control Panel...
Go To User Accounts and Family Safety....
Go To User Account....
Now here look for the option "User Account Control" and TURN THAT DAMN SHIT OFF! :D .

Now to fix the popup in the bottom right taskbar telling you its turned off....
Open up security center...
Click "Change the way security center alerts me" and TURN THAT DAMN SHIT OFF TOO! :D .

Any Questions :p

no questions :)

but we are talking about winxp and not actually vista ;)
hold shift while right clicking the icon.

What he said ^^^^

Run As doesn't always show up when you right-click, particularly for Control Panel items. Just get into the habit of holding down Shift when you right-click and it'll always be there.
i'm talking about things like display properties, and system properties and control panel.

all our users are locked out of those settings and its a pain to log them out, log myself in to change settings for their account.

its mostly a pain because we just remote into their systems a lot to fix issues, and when we're under their name, we dont have access to simple things we need.

change the command line shortcut to point to "Program Files\Internet Explorer"
Then you can run IEXPLORE.exe and navigate you PC just like you would with explorer. Or your can run "diskmgmt.msc" from the command line or "compmgmt.msc" or if you remember the control panel shortcut names, you can even call those directly.

See link up top for more detail on making a nice shortcut for all of this.
This is easy in XP.

First, you need to make sure the "Secondary Login" service is running. It should be by default, but some corporations may disable this in their corporate images for security reasons.

Now, just right-click on whatever you want to run with elevated privilages, and select "RunAs". Then select the local account you want to run the program/process under and provide the password.

I provide higher-level support for thousands of remote users, and this is a godsend when needing to run tools or admin processes under accounts with User or PowerUser privilages.

You can also run programs from the command line like this, but the command line is a nightmare to construct, and it's much easier to run the program from windows as described above.

alright, vista has a built in command to run as an administrator, say you right click on shortcut and select run as admin.

would there be ANY way to get that working in xp???

i know lots of people including me, used to take xp's msconfig and add it to win2k since win2k didnt have it.

something like this run as command would be handy as shit at my work.
You don't need to be on a domain. It works fine as long as there is a local account that you can log into that has admin privs.

It's already built into WinXP if you're on a domain. . . right click on the program and choose "Run As. . ." and use an admin account. . .