Vista RC1/RC2. What edition are they? (+ bonus triple boot link)

When you go to install Vista - and this will apply to the final release that's in boxes on store shelves (the RTM build unless something major major happens between now and roughly mid-January) - you'll be prompted to put in a key.

If you choose not to put in that key at that time, you'll get a warning box pop up. If you click "No" on that warning box saying "No, I'm not going to input a key at this time," the next screen will list all the available editions and you can choose another one to install at that time. Select the one you want, check the box near the bottom, click OK, then the installation continues for that particular edition you chose.

In some respects this is where the "30 day trial version" rumor and concept has come from. While Microsoft won't officially say yes or no about this, it's believed this works out nicely for them because consumers can choose to install any of the editions (they're all on the Vista retail DVD when it's officially released) and give the other editions a "test run" of sorts, and then if they decide they want one of the other editions, they can simply do an in-place upgrade which is already supported in Vista.

All the beta/RC candidates used a key which was tied directly to installing the Ultimate Edition, so if you have a beta/RC key and you put it in, you'll get Ultimate as the poster above said.

Hope this helps...
Using Vista RC2 x86 edition received in the mail from Microsoft, this is what installed on my computer without me having any option as to the selection of OS edition and with the supplied CD-KEY.
