Vista or heat throttling my CPU?


[H]F Junkie
Mar 31, 2004
I've built a new rig for my parents, and CPU-Z shows the CPU's core speed jumping all over the place, although it seems to land most on 1000MHz. Vista's hardware rating gives the CPU a 5.1.

I've Googled but didn't find much help. Does Vista throttle CPUs according to idleness, or is it because the CPU is too hot?
if your cpu is idle, neither. When your cpu is idle, the multiplier is dropped to reduce power usage. If you put a load on the cpu you will see it come back to full speed.

If you really need to disable this, you can look in your bios for c1e/eist or something to disable it, but theres ZERO need to.
I had "trouble" with this for a while too. I was taking screenshots of my CPU-Z screen, and it never showed the correct processor speed. Under load, it does though, which is normal.
if you want to check go to get prime95 v2.5 or hight or orthos, run it and then check.