Vista OEM question


Apr 21, 2009
I have Vista Home Premium 64Bit OEM. Could somebody clarify the restrictions regarding this OS so far as swapping what computer it is installed on after wiping it from this one is concerned? I have re-installed it once or twice on this PC.

Also, can I sell it on eBay? I would like to buy Win 7 when it comes out and it would be nice if I could recoup the money from this Vista license, which I've only had for about a year.

oem cant be used on another machine - so selling it is definately out, even installing on a different machine you own is technically not allowed, but ive heard if you go through the telephone activation it usually works.
You're contradicting yourself there... It can be used on another machine, so that means it can, in theory, be sold..?

I've seen several people on eBay selling used OEM copies of Vista and getting away with it.. Are you sure it's not allowed?
Oh my! Gotta be explained to you less than literate Americans yet again!


The word "cannot" denotes an impossibility, so it shouldn't really be used by itself. The OEM license cannot legally be transferred to a new machine or sold to somebody else.

It is possible to use the disk and install key to install Windows to a different computer, and have it successfully activate and validate. But it is not legal to do so, and the end result is NOT a legitimate license. Activation/validation /= legitimately licensed.

It is possible to sell OEM windows (used) to another person, but it is not legal to do so. The person purchasing it cannot possibly end up with a valid license to use the product. The OEM disk is clearly marked "Not for resale". How much clearer do you need it to be????

The component which effectively denotes a 'new machine' is the motherboard. Once installed and activated, the OEM Windows license is 'tied' to that machine, and can only afterwards be legitimately installed to a machine built around that same motherboard or, if the original motherboard has suffered component failure, around a replacement 'equivalent' motherboard of the same make/model or the make/model deemed to be a warranty replacement item by its manufacturer.
By saying "can't be used on another machine" ambientZ did not make it clear whether he meant you physically can't, or that you just can't legally do so. Thank you for clarifying.

Do you know if it will be possible to upgrade to Win 7 from Vista at a reduced price? Or will I need to pay full whack for a copy of 7?

By the way, I am neither illiterate nor American 'lolz!' thank you very much.
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By saying "can't be used on another machine" ambientZ did not make it clear whether he meant you physically can't, or that you just can't legally do so. Thank you for clarifying.

Do you know if it will be possible to upgrade to Win 7 from Vista at a reduced price? Or will I need to pay full whack for a copy of 7?

By the way, I am neither illiterate nor American 'lolz!' thank you very much.

The retail upgrade version of Win 7 is prolly going to be around US $100 less than the retail full version. I have no idea what it will sell for in your country, but the the upgrade version will almost certainly cost less than the full version.
Retail Upgrade packs generally cost about the same as OEM System Builder full install packs. The first is a transferrable license, whilst the second is legally 'tied' to the machine it was first installed and activated on.