Vista Network Transfers


Jul 13, 2008
Hey guys,

I just got a new Vista machine at work, and I noticed network transfers are absurdly slow. We're talking about 5-8KB/s When transferring about 1.5GB that is over 24 hours. I was wondering if there was a solution to this problem, since it is very cumbersome.

I did notice that with the Remote Differential Compression turned off, and "network autotuning" disabled, it will speed up to 60-80KB/s.... after transferring for a half hour.

It is a 100MB/s connection.

I heard something about it could be an issue with Explorer taking up a lot of RAM during network transfers, and this computer only has 894MB of RAM, however right now as I am transfrering data, it is using 636MB, although I did notice that 740MB is being used in the page file, so maybe some important stuff is getting thrown in there.

Do you guys know what could be causing this? If it's RAM... hell this is so frustrating that I may just go ahead and throw some in there out of my own pocket because it's pretty unbearable.
Is vista SP1 installed? I think there were fixes for this type of problem in sp1.
I'm pretty positive SP1 is installed I will check that first thing when I get in, in the morning.
Make sure SP1 is installed. You can also try disabling Vista's TCP auto-tuning by running this command in an elevated command prompt.

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

Oh, and the picky side of me is saying "It's 100Mb/sec not 100MB/s, big difference".
Eh. Sorry. lol

And I turned autotuning off by doing that command already. Then turned it on. It didn't do anything either way to solve my problem.
Actually it isn't on the computer. Weird, since we got it in March of this year, I'll go ahead and install that. Hopefully it solves it!
Spoke too soon.

It partially fixed it. I noticed that for large single files it seems to go faster than for many smaller files. When I moved two 4.5MB text files to a server, it transferred at 386KB/s, and now when I am moving 52 36KB .rtf files, it goes at 5KB/s, same as before.
Thanks for the tip, I tried it out, but unfortunately it did not work.

I thought you may have been on to something since that apparently makes Linux networking faster as well. I have a feeling that it could be a lack of memory issue, because memory usage is still very high.
Sorry about the delay in getting back to you, a server running Windows 2000 I believe.

Nevermind that was another server we don't use to host files. It is running Fedora 7. There are several XP machines in the office (I had one at one point, as well as a Fedora 8 computer) that could do network transfers just fine so I don't think it's the server that's causing a problem.