Vista Network Speeds... 80MB/s one way, 12MB/s the other...


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 17, 2007
So I have the server/workstation in my sig... Server is Server03, and Workstation is Vista Ultimate

If I copy a file off the server, I get a solid 75-80MB/s
If I try to transfer to the server, It bursts up to 50-60MB/s for about 3 seconds than slows down back to 12MB/s... something is slowing it back from gigabit to 100mbit for some reason.
I've turned off Network Throttling, Disabled IPv6, Turned off Flow Control, Disabled Auto-tuning... etc.

It's just really weird that transfers from the Vista machine are slown down, but not to the Vista machine...

I really doubt it's an issue on the Server03 end, but I guess I could check that?
Did you install sp1 yet? And are you testing transfers while playing music/videos? Cuz if so, Vista throttles network transfers to insure it will not glitch while playing media, but there is a registry hack to adjust this and get it to send network traffic faster that I remember reading about, maybe someone will post it or you can find it in google since I don't remember what it was.
I had a similar problem with my P5E-VM HDMI Atheros L1 NIC. A driver roll back did the trick.
I already did such registry hack (That's what "Network Throttling") is ...

And I already have SP1

If there was network throttling it would be in both directions, stuck at 12MB/s with audio playing, but I don't have any other programs running, same issue...

I had a similar problem with my P5E-VM HDMI Atheros L1 NIC. A driver roll back did the trick.

Just tried it, I have an Abit IP35 Pro... with Realtek Gigabit NIC's.. same issue, went from 60MB/s down to 12MB/s... lasts about 5-10 seconds before it drops down... :(

2 x 640GB in Raid0 transferring to a 8 x 750GB Raid5

It isn't an issue with the drives or the NIC's... it's gotta be a software related issue, it transfers from the Server to the Vista machine at 80MB/s... but going from Vista to Server = 12MB/s ...
yea i got the same issue here too.

I have Vista 64 and if i want to to copy from my file server (XP), i get from 8mb to 12ms/s from vista or to vista.
i boot my xp 32 partition and boom i get around 112mb/s

i tried everything and just said fuck it.
you mentioned you play audiofiles while copying?

Check out Mark Russinovich blog about this issue
Holy shit. I don't play audio files, even if I did, I already fixed that issue.

It has nothing to do with that...
holy shit, keep your language! maybe i read your post a bit too fast. I just saw your "with audio playing"