Vista mouse stutter in IE7


Oct 24, 2004
Anyone have issues with their mouse experiencing occasional severe stuttering while browsing in IE7?

Seems to happen randomly for a few seconds at a time. Doesn't seem to be directly related to CPU utilization spikes, although those are occuring.

I am running an HP notebook with Vista Home Premium, Core Duo2 T7500 CPU, 2gb RAM, Nvdia 8600GS video card, and have updated video card, soundcard and mouse drivers. Aero effects are disabled.

One thing that does seem odd is that over 50% of physical memory is in use for just a few browsers.

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Ya, get that new flash, version 10, that was released today. Also, make sure you're running SP1. If that doesn't do it, try running IE with no add-ons, it's in accessories>system tools to see if it happens when no add-ons are loaded in IE. Check for malware if you haven't. Vista also has some performance and reliability tracking programs, check those, check in event viewer, etc.
+1 to the 'mouse stutter' suggestions already made.

One thing that does seem odd is that over 50% of physical memory is in use for just a few browsers.

Nothing actually 'odd' about that at all. Ideally, 100% of your system memory should be "in use" 100% of the time. Remember that "in use" basically means "allocated for operations", not "used up and unavailable for anything else". Memory allocations change on the fly and as demands on memory change. Re-allocations of memory happen as a matter of course, constantly during normal operations.

Vista does a 'better job' of managing the memory you have available than XP did. But that's also why it can 'seem' like Vista is 'using more'.