Vista - Microsofts next ME

who am I - I ask

Limp Gawd
Aug 22, 2006
thing runs as bad as ME did, page file issues, drivers

xp is going to still be better then vista hands down. microsoft needs to get some decent programers
well, it may be due to the fact that you are comparin pre-resealse software with something that has been on the market and patched for ~5 years.
It's still in beta, so it may still have issues. Stable or not, waiting for the first service pack before adopting Vista is probably still the safer strategy.
who am I - I ask said:
thing runs as bad as ME did, page file issues, drivers

xp is going to still be better then vista hands down. microsoft needs to get some decent programers
Wow. Does the term BETA mean anything to you? RC1 hasn't even been released to the public yet. Microsoft typically goes to RC2 before going gold. There's also a lot of debugging code running in these BETA versions, that won't be present in the final release. When will this madness end, of people comparing BETA software to something that's been out for 5 years or more????? :( :( :(

I need an animation of a guy sitting in a corner, rocking back and forth, mumbling, "Make it stop....make it go away...go away....make it stop..."
There's been some rather silly topics posted about Vista recently, here and elsewhere, but this'n is up with the worst of them IMO.

Matter of fact it ranks right up there with The Inquirer's article about how Vista isn't up to scratch because they had trouble getting the x64 version going because of a dearth of device drivers.

Holy hell! there's a dearth of device drivers tfor XP Pro x64, and there isn't likely to be any need for an x64 desktop OS during at least the first half of Vista's product lifespan anyway. Probably longer.

But there'll be plenty enough drivers soon enough for the x86 version that's gonna be the useful one, and the finished version is sure enough gonna run better than the unfinished version. Still, it's all fodder for a chuckle anyways, isn't it?
who am I - I ask said:
thing runs as bad as ME did, page file issues, drivers

xp is going to still be better then vista hands down. microsoft needs to get some decent programers

This has made my day.

Guess what, buddy?

It's a fucking BETA!

Some of you people just piss me off. Bye.
Will that be when Linus Torvalds defeats Sauron and saves the world?

ME's problems were a lot different to Vista.

First, it was based on a very shaky code base (dos/3.1/95) and crashed like a 17yr old in a corvette. From what I've seen, Vista is about as stable as XP, if not more.

Second, MS didn't want to support ME, they had 2000 released about the same time, and were moving towards XP. Vista is the only thing in MS's future right now.

If it's running badly for you, you might want to add a bit more memory, or just attach a USB drive.
AMD[H]unter said:
Some of you people just piss me off. Bye.
This must be why I get PMs from the people in GenMay asking me how I have the patience to stay around in the OS Forum. I'm starting to understand why many have gone to hide in there.
I've been running Vista Pre-RC1 for quite sometime now, currently my uptime is 6 days and 16 hours, the only reboot i've done that prevented longer was an installation of newer ATI drivers.

Currently I have the following open:

- Windows Mail
- Windows Live Messener
- Windows Sidebar (Clock, Uptime, Weather, Calendar, 2xRSS, Stock)
- Google Talk
- GrabIT Usenet
- FlashFXP
- 5x IE Windows
- VLC Media Player
- IIS7 Management
- Visual Studio 2005
- Miranda

With the above open, I am having no speed issues, no stability issues. Infact, in my experience thus far a majority of what i've been doing has run faster and more responsive in Vista than it ever did in XP.

Ofcourse, YMMV.
This thread is one reason why MS should not release any betas to the public :p
who am I - I ask said:
when it flops like ME then i'll tell you i told you so

And if it doesn't will you remember this thread and come back to eat crow?
who am I - I ask said:
and just like ME there the ones saying it worked fine for me
so do you think Windows XP was flawless when it was in beta?

I dunno, I wasn't really into computers when XP or ME was in beta, but to me Vista beta isn't going to give anyone a good idea how the final product will look, simply because it is in BETA, and isn't completely finished.
pigster said:
And if it doesn't will you remember this thread and come back to eat crow?
Of course not.

Vista will ship on virtually all retail and online consumer PCs in 6 months, barring any further delays. And as mentioned above, Vista isn't a stop-gap like Windows ME was (end of Win9x codebase). Vista is MS's primary, long term consumer/client OS.

The OP is just flaming anyways. RC1 is running pretty well, but could definitely use some more tweaks before release. The default UAC security gets in the way most often and it can be disabled. I haven't had problems with the page file, or with using Vista (almost everything) or WinXP (sound and printer) drivers. Performance is pretty decent, even with the minimum required 512MB.

How can I have a different opinion? The difference is that I am actually running Vista instead of spouting uninformed nonsense.
Biggest "problem" I have with Vista is that XP x64 probably won't see any more love, and I'll have to go either Linux or Vista for a "Fully-functional (e.g. plenty of drivers, etc)" x64 desktop OS. Meh for DRM too I 'spose.
who am I - I ask said:
xp was better then vista was at any time during testing

I suppose i could ask you to back up your claims with what you've found from your long, extensive hours testing Vista's many betas, but that's probably too much to ask, isn't it.
who am I - I ask said:
xp was better then vista was at any time during testing

That would be because XP was largely based on the 2000 codebase. Vista from what I understand is totally new (or near totally anyway).

Since you obviously haven't offered anything of value in this thread, why don't you either a) explain what your problems have been in some detail or b) quit trolling.
movax said:
Biggest "problem" I have with Vista is that XP x64 probably won't see any more love, and I'll have to go either Linux or Vista for a "Fully-functional (e.g. plenty of drivers, etc)" x64 desktop OS. Meh for DRM too I 'spose.

Yeah I would agree. However contrary to belief x64 Linux isn't all that "fully functional" as a desktop OS either (java and flash support sucks for example). Works great as a server OS though.
beanman101283 said:
I suppose i could ask you to back up your claims with what you've found from your long, extensive hours testing Vista's many betas, but that's probably too much to ask, isn't it.
I wouldn't disagree that WinXP RC1 was in better shape than Vista RC1, but there are huge differences that prevent direct comparison. I did beta test each for 8-12 months. ;)

First, WinXP was a relatively minor revision to the Windows 2000 code base, at least compared to the differences between WS2003 and Vista.

Second, Vista includes many more new components than WinXP does. That's not really an excuse given how late Vista already is. But the "do everything" nature of Vista means that more components will have bugs simply because there's more of them.

Lastly, the shift in security model means 2 things: applications that depended on running without limits are broken, and users who are used to running anything without limits will need to adapt (or disable UAC and do without).
pxc said:
I wouldn't disagree that WinXP RC1 was in better shape than Vista RC1, but there are huge differences that prevent direct comparison. I did beta test each for 8-12 months. ;)

First, WinXP was a relatively minor revision to the Windows 2000 code base, at least compared to the differences between WS2003 and Vista.

Second, Vista includes many more new components than WinXP does. That's not really an excuse given how late Vista already is. But the "do everything" nature of Vista means that more components will have bugs simply because there's more of them.

Lastly, the shift in security model means 2 things: applications that depended on running without limits are broken, and users who are used to running anything without limits will need to adapt (or disable UAC and do without).

I agree with everything you said. I was talking to the OP. ;)
beanman101283 said:
I agree with everything you said. I was talking to the OP. ;)
I didn't mean you for most of that stuff. I edited in some stuff to give a reference to my experience with both betas and RCs. ;)
djnes said:
This must be why I get PMs from the people in GenMay asking me how I have the patience to stay around in the OS Forum. I'm starting to understand why many have gone to hide in there.

Yeah, I feel the same way. That's partly why i am in GenMay and the Networking forum so much.
Steelgrave said:
Yeah I would agree. However contrary to belief x64 Linux isn't all that "fully functional" as a desktop OS either (java and flash support sucks for example). Works great as a server OS though.

JAVA: there has been 64bit version of JAVA for a long time with linux

blackdown is a very good java system.
Likewise there has been 64bit SUN JAVA for a while as well

For windows though?

So as you can see it is windows that is behind Linux on this one JAVA

Yes Linux is behind on flash, but we have been for a loong time, we are at V7 while it is V8.5 at the moment. V9 is due in the new year with 64bit version shortly after

There is also Realplayer, that is still 32bit for windows & linux

Pll here might be getting annoyed with the MS-bashing (if there was no reason to bash it wouldn't occur), likewise I get annoy with shallow attacks at Linux, AND also almost fanatic support of MS even with their track record
eeyrjmr said:
JAVA: there has been 64bit version of JAVA for a long time with linux

blackdown is a very good java system.
Likewise there has been 64bit SUN JAVA for a while as well

For windows though?

So as you can see it is windows that is behind Linux on this one JAVA

Yes Linux is behind on flash, but we have been for a loong time, we are at V7 while it is V8.5 at the moment. V9 is due in the new year with 64bit version shortly after

There is also Realplayer, that is still 32bit for windows & linux

Pll here might be getting annoyed with the MS-bashing (if there was no reason to bash it wouldn't occur), likewise I get annoy with shallow attacks at Linux, AND also almost fanatic support of MS even with their track record

Ok, so go install the JVM plugin for Firefox in 64 bit... :rolleyes:
Vista Pre-RC1 actually doesn't suck at all. I have it up and running (though I'm using XP at the moment as Office 2007 is a foreign place to me and schoolwork needs doing). It actually feels faster than XP. Further, it has some useful little features such as the ability to click on a folder in the address bar when you navigate down and then click to jump right back up. Flip3D is good, as is the Sidebar. Yes, Vista can use 500+MB of my 2GB RAM, but it doesn't slow down like the last build I tried (it sucked ass). I could probably use Vista 24/7 but I'm not ready to take that risk with the only computer I have at college. Furthermore, Office 2k7 is still even more beta anyhow, and I installed "next-gen" Office under the "next-gen" OS to see how it worked.

In short, I'm suprised at the polished feel of Pre-RC1. It's shocking....
who am I - I ask said:
xp was better then vista was at any time during testing

Have nice cup of STFU and don't start any more threads.

Btw, exactly how old are ya?

My money is on 13-15.