Vista memory x32 vs x64 what are utlilized the limits?


Sep 5, 2001
Does anybody have any links handy that explain the
various memory models avaialable for all versions
of Vista?

Our netword admin thinks that Vista32 will utililze
all 4 gigs of memory, but I thinkts only 2 gigs, right?

Either way, I need something that verifies the usage for him.


32-bit Vista is able to address 4 GB of memory space. Devices like video cards, sound cards, etc. are all addressed through the memory bus too (in x86 systems) through the technique of memory mapped I/O, so how much RAM you are able to utilize will be limited by the other devices. However, 32-bit Vista is limited by an upper bound of 3.25 GB no matter what, I believe. x64 Vista Home Premium supports 64 GB of RAM I believe, and the higher versions support 128 GB.
Home Premium is actually limited to 16GB, but that's still way more than any regular desktop needs right now...
Home Premium is actually limited to 16GB, but that's still way more than any regular desktop needs right now...

Right now anyway. I don't think Microsoft anticipated people running 4 or more GBs of RAM on Windows XP when it came out.