Vista/ Linux I/O, File, memory manager question


[H]F Junkie
Jan 21, 2004

so recently I looked at a msdn video talking about "lightning cache" (or so) which is the fancy marketing name for Vista's build-in precaching manager. Apparently, there is a small(?) machine learning mechanism that tries to predict future demand from the HDD based on historical data. I think that this is an excellent idea, coupled with Vista's ability to use flash as 'cache' it sounds quite interesting: hopefully better average case response, while sacrificing worst-case performance.

Now, here's my question: I am the proud owner of an iRam (got it second hand for CHEAP) and it is pretty clear that with its excellent random access and STR figures when compared to flash and magnetic storage media, it would be an excellent cache for I/O.

What I am missing in WinXP is some way to track my usage and based on that remap files or blocks onto the iRAM in order to maximize its utility. Would Vista come with utilities for that, i.e. make it believe that my iRAM is a flash device? Has anyone heard of a Linux project trying to do something similar to the "lightning cache" on windows?

ps.: yes I know the name is wrong.
to the linux question...

There is prelink which does 1/2 the job

the other part is just take advantage of the fact the linux kernel leaves everything in RAM (I have 2gig of RAM and I have something like 100meg free - SWEET!!!)

just cat the binary
eeyrjmr said:
the other part is just take advantage of the fact the linux kernel leaves everything in RAM (I have 2gig of RAM and I have something like 100meg free - SWEET!!!)
This proves you're a true linux user and not some wannabe. An interesting point is that Vista will be catching up finally and doing something similar with the memory management (that is, a great deal with be used for caching). =)

As for the original question, even in XP you should be able to move your swap partition. See if that works. Does the iRam show up as a removeable drive? If it does you can enable ReadyBoost on it (in Vista)
In Vista, run Task Manager. Click Resource Monitor and that should give you some idea of what's going on beneath the hood, so to speak. I've never seen such a wide array of info presented on one screen/application at one time under Windows even with third-party software. Now Vista does it natively. :)
ChronoReverse said:
Does the iRam show up as a removeable drive? If it does you can enable ReadyBoost on it (in Vista)
Excellent question: I guess it'd depend on the SATA driver I am going to be using. Note: I am not running Vista at the moment, this is more of a theoretical question.