Vista having strange issues with my NAS?!


May 31, 2005
Hey guys,

Now I have read about the issues Vista is having with NAS drives due to different security protocols and what have you, however, my issue is a little different to these and the story goes as follows:

So I installed Windows Vista Home Premium a few days after it was released. Most features worked fine with only a few issues concerning incompatible software. I was willing to work around this and simply wait for compatible versions to be released. So I carried on tinkering with Vista when I wanted to watch some media off of my NAS drive - link: (

Vista let me see and connect to the drive fine. The problem occurs when I want to actually open a folder within the drive or watch a media file. All I get is the loading bar which takes approx 5-10 minutes to get 90% across and when completed the window either freezes or does not let me load/play anything anyway.

I have searched the web for possible answers for a few weeks now and have come up empty :(

I don't know what to do abut the issue as it's really starting to p**s me off lol.

Do any of you guys know of a fix? I even updated my NAS' firmware to see if that would help, but it didn't :(

I eagerly await a reply,


Chris (currently a stressed-out Vista user) ;)
Just for you :)

Make NAS (Network Attached Storage) devices work in Vista
Posted 9/1/2006 by Steve Sinchak - Total Views: 4,043 - Views Today: 27
If you are like me and have a NAS device on your network that is not compatible with Windows Vista, now you can tweak Windows Vista to make it work again. You do not even have to wait for your device manufacturer to release a new firmware any more! Just follow these steps below:
1. Click on the Start Button and key in secpol.msc in the search box and hit Enter.
2. When the Local Security Policy editor has loaded, expand Local Policies and select Security Options.
3. Scroll through the list and locate "Network Security: LAN Manager authentication level." Right click on this setting and select Properties.
4. Change the setting to "Send LM & NTML - use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated"
5. Hit OK and your NAS will work again.
Using theses instructions I was able to make my 1 TB Buffalo TeraStation work with Windows Vista. Prior to changing the authentication level, I could not access any secured shares on my NAS.
TechLarry, I have tried that but unfortunately Windows Vista Home Premium Edition does not come with or allow you to edit the security settings that way. I did, however find a alternate method by going through regedit, finding the 'LmCompatabilityLevel' file and changing the value to 1.

To which nothing changed, my problem still occurs.

Nasty_Savage, how do I disable IPv6?


I've found a few posts like TechLarry's but can't seem to locate secpol.msc (or know what it is) so I can't make the change.

I've also read some posts that suggested changes in the registery but also, I didn't have the key that was mentioned.

I have Home Premium. Anyone know if that's the issue? I've found MS has chopped a number of essentials out of Home Premium.

Also, I've tried to use the Anytime Upgrade to move to Ultimate, but the whole upgrade process failed (apperantly at MS, not on my PC) and I was never able to upgrade. I hoped that the upgrade would provide some more options. Now, I'm feeling more and more like Apple is my option.

Any ideas? - Thanks