Vista gaming frame rates...


Nov 30, 2004
Does anyone have any links to benchmarks for games running under Vista and under XP as a comparison?

I have a friend who is testing BF2 under vista and claims with the same settings he's jumped from an average of 70 fps to 160 which doesn't seem quite right to me.

I understand theres several features in place to increase frame rates in full screen visual applications so I would maybe expect a small FPS increase, but not this large.

Any thoughts or links apreciated, or even first hand experience!
You do realize that any, ANY copy of Vista out now is a pre-release, unfinished copy, right? Even if benchmarks were to be done now, they would have NO application to the release version, or the later hardware it supposedly requires. And that jump = way to high. Either someone's lying/stretching the truth a lot, or his beta of Vista ate FRAPS.

No offense, but it's not really worth it right now :D
Frosteh said:
Does anyone have any links to benchmarks for games running under Vista and under XP as a comparison?

I have a friend who is testing BF2 under vista and claims with the same settings he's jumped from an average of 70 fps to 160 which doesn't seem quite right to me.

I understand theres several features in place to increase frame rates in full screen visual applications so I would maybe expect a small FPS increase, but not this large.

Any thoughts or links apreciated, or even first hand experience!
I think your friend is playing a pretty bad joke...
His fraps reported incorrectly (apparantly between 300 and 400) so he used the in game FPS counter.

2 possible things spring to mind, 1 is that if the game engines use a dll of some external nature to measure frame rate (maybe a directx one) that it could be broken in vista beta builds. Or 2ndly that his XP build was so old and slow that the 70 FPS was just bad for that system.

I am aware that Vista is still in beta stage and that any results might not be 100% accurate, and I'm not taking this guys word as gospel, I just want some more input on the situation. I don't even yet know if games will be slower or faster on Vista (compared to XP) let alone what kind of difference in frame rate it will be.

Rough figures would still be apreciated
I realize its a little to early to have conclusive results, but I did experience a framerate increase playing cs: source. This was on build 5270 when the nVidia drivers actually worked. 5308 won't even load games for me :(