Vista downloading problems


Jan 30, 2006
When I try to download rc1 using firefox dl manager, It always freezes at a certain point, like 2.8 or 6.4 mb always, also the microsoft manager doesnt work for me, what should I try, it happens with 32bit and 64bit editions
Care to be more specific about the problem with the Microsoft Download Manager?
When the dl manager starts to load i get the error that an nonrecoverable error has occured in 32 bit and 64 bit editions. Ill try and dl it with IE I guess even though IE blows
Not to sound like an ass, but for someone who's having all the computer problems you are, I would stick to the basics, which means using IE to download something from Microsoft. You've had numerous problems in the "How to partition" thread, and no matter what someone suggested, you always had a problem, whether it was user error or an actual computer problem. In the future, be as detailed as possible when you ahve an issue, so we are guessing blindly.
ok well I got the partition done didnt I. Sure I had problems it was my first time doing that, you have to start somewhere. The main problem was that the demo software wouldnt let me complete tasks that I wanted to get done.....sounds like thats my fault......for people who would like to be helpful i just tried with ie and it freezes at 9.42mb for 64bit and mb 8.2 for 32bit.
P.S. you do sound like an ass
What type of connection do you have?
Assuming you can, I would just use ie and dl it using the browser, skip the download manager.... that's what I did.
tpfaff said:
ok well I got the partition done didnt I. Sure I had problems it was my first time doing that, you have to start somewhere. The main problem was that the demo software wouldnt let me complete tasks that I wanted to get done.....sounds like thats my fault......for people who would like to be helpful i just tried with ie and it freezes at 9.42mb for 64bit and mb 8.2 for 32bit.
P.S. you do sound like an ass

Just to add the new IE7 is at least up to par if not superior to firefox.
ok cool thanks, i tried ie 7 and its working great, thanks alot guys :D
i download mine on the pre rc1 vista because on win xp it always have fatal error and it just stop downloading...............
tpfaff said:
The main problem was that the demo software wouldnt let me complete tasks that I wanted to get done
And that's why other free alternatives were suggested, and you either had problems burning an .iso, or made a bold claim that you were scared of Linux programs. When questioned, it was ignored. You asked for help in that thread, and ignored most of the good advice others gave. I was mearly pointing out a pattern. You are right, we do all have to start somewhere, but ignoring the advice people give you isn't the way to do it. Calling others an ass isn't going to help either. Given the pattern of answers in your other thread, and the fact no one else complained about having a problem, I stated the obvious. Oh well, glad it's working.
I'm sorry I made such a bold claim that I was uncomfortable working with linux programs, and sorry about the whole ass thing ;)
"sorry about the whole ass thing."


That is funny enough to be a part of your signature. :D
tpfaff said:
and sorry about the whole ass thing ;)
As long as you don't yell that out in public surrounded by a crowd, that's okay. Especially not to another dude.