Vista - Dell 725 printer - Not printing


Oct 25, 2007
In Vista I had this printer working a while back. I messed around with disabling some services and startup msconfig stuff. I forgot about the printer. So, I try to use it and now it just sits at printing in the printer queue. But it doesn't actually print. I checked in add/remove printers section of control panel and it shows it's online and ready. But it won't print. So I removed it and then tried to add it. Omg, it was harder than heck to try to get the printer to be recognized again. The only software I found from Dells site for the printer is the printer driver for Vista. I managed to add the hardware again, but the weird thing I noticed is that when I choose the item, it doesn't list USB for port. It lists Dell 725 Virtual USB port. I am so confused as this is much different than it was in XP to add hardware and printers.

The printer works just fine in another computer. Any ideas on how I can properly add/config this printer would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Well my first (and stupidly obvious) guess would be is the spools service enabled?