Vista Build 5744 Processes

Homey D. Clown

Limp Gawd
Sep 27, 2004
When I bring up task manager it shows 54 processes running, cpu doesn't go above 5%, i've noticed that about 11 of the processes are svchost.exe, is this normal? Anyone else getting this? At the time of checking the only thing running is Avast and catalyst control center. Oh almost forgot to mention i'm running vista ultimate, would switching to home premium bring these down? or should I really not worry about it? Computer is used mainly for gaming. Specs are in sig.
so switching to home premium wouldn't make a difference? I have all my important files saved on a seperate drive from my OS so formatting and re-installing would not be a problem for me.Notice my sig is a little outdated, I lost one HD so now i'm running 3 SATA Hd's, I have 2 of them set up in a raid 0 array which my Os is on and the third is my storage.