Vista build 5536


Supreme [H]ardness
May 31, 2000
Very, very nice! Just got it installed....initial setup is only using about 60% as much ram usage as it did with 5472.....

...all device drivers were found on initial setup except my second nic, and that one came from the windows update the first time I used it....even my 7900GT has a WDM driver installed....

More testing to follow, but damn, Vista is coming along nicely.

(and yes I got it legally) :cool:
Javelin3o4 said:
can you play FC With it?>

At Quakecon this year I had to play under Vista for a bit since my XP had some TCP/IP issues the very first morning. It was fine, altohugh I did turn off the AA (I play at 1680x1050 so no big deal).

EDIT: my screen has gone blank after the first rebootof 5536...damn....had to do the safemode uninstall and let it go back to the MS version....

NV, please, get some damn new drivers out. :cool:
AMD_Gamer said:
does the new build install automatically if you already have vista?

No, and 5536 did not like trying to upgrade from 5472....I did a fresh install.

I can post some screenies after I get home from work....what are you wanting to see?
Got it up and running on the weekend on my cheapie testbed system, an eMachines minitower with a P4 2.8 Northwood (533FSB), 512MB RAM, 120GB hard disk, GeforceFX 5500 PCI 256MB (don't have AGP/PCIe in this system) and a SoundBlaster Live.

Installation takes half the time of Beta 2. It's also much snappier, and web browsing is so fast on some pages, you'd think they were already cached (though I still hate button locations in IE7). Aero was initially turned off (my system was rated as a 3.0 on the performance index, MS auto-determines best performance when installing with this build) but even when turning it back on, it is much better than B2. I installed the latest K-Lite Codec Pack for DivX and xViD compatibility, and it works fine with WMP 11.

My problems so far: SoundBlaster Live only worked when I right-clicked it in the Device Manager, did Update Drivers, and told it to look on the web. The game port is still not supported (driver issues), and Creative apparently isn't supporting earlier than the Audigy on Vista (the oinkers).

Avast! Antivirus won't install unless you force it (it worked fine in B2), and Vista blocks it at every turn, saying there is a known compatibility issue, so it won't let the services load. I had to get the free Vista beta of TrendMicro's PC-Cillin product, all 86MB of installer package, which (even in minimal-install mode without the firewall and other intrusion protection) disables the Vista firewall, must be a bug there.

Desktop background images under Aero seem to be a bit odd in some spots, like there was some antialiasing used before that isn't now. Could be a video driver, and since the new drivers have a newer date than nVidia's drivers on their website, I'm not excited about installing over them. I did use the nV beta drivers under B2, since they were newer and did work far better; perhaps I should do that and just roll back the driver if I don't like it.

Going to install Office 2007 Beta tonight, and play around a bit more. Also need to try out some other apps for compatibility.

P.S. If you have an official Vista Beta 2 key, it does work with 5536 just fine.
Yep I am still using my orginal Beta2 key, has worked across all 3 builds thus far.

Even though the Vista WDDM drivers have a newer date than NV's version, I was not able to play Far Cry on them, it would just get a blank screen with sound going on in the background....don't know what was up with that although the older NV drivers are working fine.

I had to use an XP driver on my backup NIC (Linksys Etherfast 10/100) which also works fine.

I am using eZTrust AV, it has a 1 year "trial" for Vista users, and did not give any issues installing and seems to be working fine.

I agree, this build is much better, snappier, and less of a hog, ram wise, than previous builds.

Sceenies later on, right now I have to go mow the front yard then hit the mountain bike for an hour....cya all later....
OK, here is a screenshot, notice I have quite a few windows open, both IE and Firefox, plus Media Player, task manager, etc. Notice the 848mb mem usage, and 1504mb cached! But don't forget, Vista uses memory and pagefile a bit differently than XP, this seems normal, and with older builds, it used 800+ megs just sitting idle on the desktop with nothing open! (Not sure about the 3mb free part though! haha)

Quite an improvement...also see the vista score? 4.8, seems this build reports higher for whatever reason, even using identical hardware, last build only showed me a 4.3 or less...

you got 4.8 score! nice. i'll get a minimum of 5++, soon my new computer arrives (a conroe 6600!!!! wooohooo).
Wow, that must be a real monster PC. Can you open the actual "Experience" information so we can see the individual scores of your components then do a screenshot?

When that window is on top (when it has focus), try pressing Alt+PrintScreen to save *just* that single window. That image above is huge. :)

Also, this build has some different drivers for various hardware; perhaps because of that your score has risen to account for improved performance for that reason.

bbz_Ghost said:
Wow, that must be a real monster PC. Can you open the actual "Experience" information so we can see the individual scores of your components then do a screenshot


Yeah the above image WAS huge but I figured I wanted to show is what you asked about, in a smaller size hehe...

samsung.204b said:
you got 4.8 score! nice. i'll get a minimum of 5++, soon my new computer arrives (a conroe 6600!!!! wooohooo).

Actually the only thing holding my score back is my hard drives, the OS's are installed on older 60gb SATA, maybe if I used a Raptor the hard drive scores would go over 5 :p
bummer no 64 bit version with this preRC1, but i hear that will be released with RC-1. so if i read correctly you dont need a Beta2 key? (have one so it doesn;'t matter either way) also you can either do a fresh install or install ontop of Beta2?
Major issues.

Can't play CSS at all. I can see right through walls. Steam crashes alot. No driver for one of my controller cards.