Vista asking for usernmae and password when trying to conenct to a xp network pc.....


May 4, 2007
What is the fix/workaround for this: I have 2 pc's desktops one is xp and other is vista both same workgroup name for networking. Well on the vista pc when I go to "view workgroup computers on the network" and I see the other xp pc name in the list, when I double click it, it asks for a username and password window.

Anyone know whats going on? Thanks
Have you tried the windows logon username and password for the xp computer?
Have you tried the windows logon username and password for the xp computer?

Well no, but if that does work how do we prevent this from even asking because I need to network a tax program drake 2009 so mapping a drive will be one of the stepes. So the mapping/conecting to and through the xp pc from the vista trying to avoid issues so it all connects with no problems.