Vista and Nvstor32


Limp Gawd
Mar 25, 2007
Has anyone else had a problem with NVstor on a 680i chipset? I cant find out how to fix my computer from locking up every few minuets. Iv tried reinstalling and it is no help. Any help would be awesome.
Has anyone else had a problem with NVstor on a 680i chipset? I cant find out how to fix my computer from locking up every few minuets. Iv tried reinstalling and it is no help. Any help would be awesome.

I wish I had some good news for you, but...

The system in my sig originally had an EVGA 680i and I had nothing but troubles.... bad ram, bad HDD, BSODs, general bad performance. I bought my system from AVA direct and after about 7 months of problems, they agreed to replace the MOBO.

Unfortunately, there were many problems with the EVGA 680i.... google "EVGA 680i" and "Problems" and you get a crapload of hits....

EDIT: Forgot to mention.... some of the BSODs I had refered to NVstor.sys, although I don't remeber the exact error message. That is why I responded to your post in the first place.