Vista 64 & wireless issues


Nov 10, 2004
Not sure if I was supposed to post this in the OS or the Networking section of the forums, but I figured the Vista 64 Guru's would be more knowledgeable and helpful w/ my issue.

So my brother and I have new builds and converted the Vista 64, and we both can't get Vista to recognize our wireless cards.

I use an abit air pace & he uses a linksys wmp54g.

I downloaded the 64 bit Vista driver from the abit site, but Vista still won't recognize or acknowledge the card.

I have tried:
-unstalling & doing a fresh install of the driver
-installing the driver, rebooting, checking device manager and updating it that way

The Linksys, has no "64 bit" Vista driver yet ..."TBD" but we found some info via google, where some people were able to get it to work...but we can't seem to figure it out :(

I've "skimmed" through the faq's and googled, but there hasn't been a detailed thread w/ helpful info.

Thanks [H]!
What i've done in the past to get wireless cards to work in Vista is, Install the card into the system. Go to the device manager and click 'update driver' and select 'check online'. It should find a driver.
I tried that , but the system won't even recognize the card, ie. it says "unknown" device...

there is also not "network" tab in my device manager :(, I have even tried going to each "unknown" device and update the drivers on each one...and it says "can not locate driver'