Vista 64 Ultimate Pain In My......


Jul 16, 2004
I have used windows for 10 years now... and to say I am beyond pissed off right now would be a great understatement... Im running a LEGAL ACTIVATED copy of Vista Ultimate 64 bit with SP1 installed. I added 4 more GB of ram to my system to make it 8GB total and it was seeing it fine. Then I ran a BAD overclock on my system and had to reset the bios by pulling the battery... Imagine to my surprise when I start it up and it tells me it is NO LONGER activated and I need to reactivate it due to hardware changes... this is where it gets GOOOD I have called them twice (both times by horrible half english speaking operators) and I have now been told my VALID key code is no longer operating on my hardware and I must contact Microsoft System Support and have them generate a new Key Code for my install... IT is 3AM Central time now and low and behold the bastards are closed till 6AM Pacific time on Sunday... If anyone from M$ with more then a damn janitor clearance level reads this, I can honestly say if it werent for the games I would leave your fucking OS so fast it would make your head spin... As is I am seriously thinking Macs in my future for any SERIOUS god damn work I need to do...
1. I thought they changed SP1 so the worst it would do is just nag you to activate

2. Enjoy the Mac. You can't overclock those at all, so you should be fine with it. You also can only barely play games. They are also very expensive.
Are you sure you didn't corrupt the OS from the "bad overclock?"
I always wonder, when reading these stories, how this happens. I've had to call in numerous times for Vista and for XP, mostly for friends computers, but I've never had any issues getting the system immediately reactivated. I've never even had to be re-issued a new key.
I always wonder, when reading these stories, how this happens. I've had to call in numerous times for Vista and for XP, mostly for friends computers, but I've never had any issues getting the system immediately reactivated. I've never even had to be re-issued a new key.

This has been my experience as well.