Vista 64 + Logitech SetPoint


Limp Gawd
Jul 13, 2005
So I recently built a new computer and installed Vista 64. I installed SetPoint for my MX3100 combo (LX700 keyboard + MX1000 mouse) and G5 mouse. None of the extra keys on the LX700 keyboard work. I have SetPoint running in admin mode, but that didn't do anything for me.

What I've tried...
Running SetPoint in regular mode.
Running SetPoint in admin mode.
Uninstall + Reinstall of SetPoint 4.6 for Vista 64.
Rebinding keys to see if they work (Set the Email key to the letter "a" and tried to type with it).

None were any help.

Any help would be appreciated. I'd love to have some of the keys working for me again.
Make sure you have the latest version (obvious) and if that fails (it should, I'd hope you tried that hard) get UberOptions? I never had issues with SetPoint under Vista 64bit, but I also never used a Logitech keyboard, just an MX Revolution.
I never had issues with SetPoint under Vista 64bit,

Some of the earlier revisions of SetPoint had 'issues' under Vista in general, so if that's an older version installed from an installation disk...........

I'm also still seeing current reports of SetPoint problems from gamers using specific LogiTech products, and G5 is one of those products far as I recall. LogiTech, unfortunately, is one oif the manufacturers which doesn't enjoy particularly good repuation regarding the Vista-suitability of its software and its Vista support of past products.
I downloaded the newest drivers, never installed off the cd. I know the G5 has problems with some buttons, but I have it working for the most part with uberoptions in games. It's just the keyboard that's not working.
Restart the computer a couple times. That fixed mine (exact same setup). IDK why.
Restart the computer a couple times. That fixed mine (exact same setup). IDK why.

i just reformatted with vista 64 bit and my setpoint works fine (Mx 5500)

as bad as it sounds, call their tech support, my mom did for her comp issues and seem to get them figured out over the phone.