Virus that slows down Scans?


Limp Gawd
Oct 1, 2005
I recently just got infected with a couple of viruses. I thought I had gotten rid of all of them, but recently by antivirus software started taking extra time to run a virus scan. A scan that used to take only an hour now take 6 hours. I know its not program specific because I've tried many different av's. Im thinking maybe theres a virus thats slowing down my virus-scan, is there a virus that does this?
Yes a virus can do it loads up at least one service that hogs CPU cycles.....

Hope you're scanning in safe mode?

If running XP you disabled system restore?

With a good antivirus product?
No, im not scanning in safe mode but what difference does it make?
Also, what difference does it make if system restore is disabled?
Scanning in safe mode, Windows runs with much fewer services.....which means many less files are "in use". Your system runs quicker when doing intensive tasks like running scans (even malware removal tools work better)....and you have a better chance of cleaning infected files, since there's less of a chance they're being used.

System restore....infected files can get in there...each time you clean your PC, reboot...BAM..hosed again. Repeat cycle. Repeat cycle. Repeat cycle. You're stuck chasing your tail in circles.

All antivirus sites will tell you, in troubleshooting an infected scan in safe mode, and disable system restore.