Virtualizing on Itanium


Jan 14, 2011
I got a hold of a HP RX 2660 with 16 gb of ram 2x Itanium2 9020N CPUś, really cheap. Now iam starting to think what to do with it. I already have a Xeon system running ESXi. Ive seen alot of posts which are about 3 years old saying that ESX/ESXi wont run on Itanium. Have anything happened the last 3 years? Will it run on IA64?

If not what is a good option to run on it. What i understand HP has its own software HP-UX but ive never even heard about it before i started googeling. And i defenetliey don't know were to get a hold of the software. And iam not really going to spend a ton of cash buying it.

I guess i could run a Debian IA64 and just install Xen on it. But i really want a nice gui to configure and manage my VMś with.

And i guess this should belong in the Distrubuted Computing section. But would this box be good for folding? old posts say there is no client for IA64, but maybe there is one today?

First grats on the find. The rx2660 is a fun little machine.

Since it is IA-64, you OS options are as follows:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL 5.6 is the latest)
Novell SuSE Enterprise (SLES 11 SP1 is the latest)
Windows 2003
Windows 2008 (R2/SP2)

I don't believe you can get any of these for free, except Debian or FreeBSD. Definitely no VMware on IA-64 still. And given Red Hat and Windows have announced they will stop developing for IA-64, I doubt VMware will develop for it.