Virtual Router


Sep 30, 2003
Right now I am running sonicwall as my router on my cluster. I want to get rid of it, its aging and limitations are showing.

I am ok with paying for a product but since this is a test enviornment I rather keep costs down. I would prefer a UTM type distro.

So far I have found pFsense, and Astaro aka Sophos UTM. Any other Virtual routers / UTMs out there that I should consider?

Main need is VLANs.
look into ClearOS too, haven't used it in a long time.

I would try sophos first.

pfsense can be made into a decent utm and is very easy to use and has very few limitations.
A friend/colleague of mine use pfSense as a virtual router and says its flawless too.
pfSense is primarily a firewall distro. Don't let anyone tell you different. That being said, the development staff have built in a good package architecture with packages available to perform many UTM type features like AV, AntiSpam, IDP (Snort), Web proxying, etc. Like the others I can attest to flawless operation under vSphere as well. As long as vLANs are set properly on the switches and/or the host, vMotion/DRS to other hosts is flawless as well.

If you are set on a UTM, might look at Untangle also. I'm not the fanboi that some have been on this forum, but they do have solid UTM performance at the Free level, just a bit lacking in higher-end networking capabilities.
Untangle is a strong UTM package, especially if you are willing to spend a little money to upgrade from the Free packages (even though if this is for home, those will be enough).

If this is for a business, check some of the larger firewall venfors, many of them are getting into Virtual Firewalls. Watchguard has their virtual line advertised a lot right now.
If you run the firewall as a VM, you can make pretty much any OS support vlans. Even with PFSense in a VM, i use VMNics that are bound to vlans. It just appears to have multiple NICs to the VM's OS.