Video Problems (inifinite loop error)


Oct 11, 2004
I am a long time reader of the [H] Forum, so I now turn to you my friends to help me out with a problem that I am having...

My System Specs:

P4 2.53
Windows XP Pro SP2
1GB Crucial PC2700 RAM
Asus P4S8X Mobo
420 Watt PS
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro w/Artic Cooling HSF
Sound Blaster Audigy Gamer

My current game of choice that I have been playing for a while now is World of Warcraft. For those of you that haven't heard of it, its an awesome MMORPG. (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) Anyways, on to my problem. I have made no changes to my system within the past month. This past week, while playing WoW my computer would lock up and the screen would go black. After having to manually reboot the machine, I check the event log and got a ati2dvag.dll error, saying that it was stuck in an infinite loop. This seems to only happen when I play a game on my machine. I have tried installing the latest Catalyst Drivers and even tried the latest Omega Drivers, to no avail. I have not tried another video card or re installed the OS or games. The only thing that I can find on ATI's site is the following link:

The question that I pose to you, my friends, is this...have any of you experienced this problem, and has anyone found a resolution to this issue. Any information that you all give is greatly appreciated!

I will just state that i have encountered that same error with the same file in a completely different scenerio:

XP Pro machine, FireGL-Z1, using autocad2002. The screen blacks out and computer locks up just as you describe. I rolled back the driver to a microsoft certified version and havent experienced the error since.

That is something that I haven't tried, but will try it tonight.

I hate to think that ATI or Omega can't make a driver to work with my system and video card though.