video organization and dvd burning for complete n00b...


Jun 30, 2000
this request is not for me, it is for my dad who is completly computer illitarate.

So here we go, my dad recently got a Sony handicam that records movies onto miniDVDs.

What he wants to do is, after recording his videos (vacations and whatnot), he wants to tranfser those videoclips from multiple miniDVDs to a full DVD so that he can reuse the miniDVDs.

What is an easy to use (no need for great quality) software that will allow him to copy his movies from miniDVD and burn them on to regular DVDs. Now, i now that he will probably have to have the miniDVD content copied over to the PC if he is looking to combine multiple mini disks, so the software will have to be able to do that easily too.

Also, it would be great if the software allows for organizing the final DVD and allows for burning too. Anyone know of such a software?

Oh i should mention, he does have a DVD burner, and a secondary dvdrom drive, plenty of hdd space and processing power to do all of this.