Video Editing in Vista 64


Jun 23, 2008
I would appreciate suggestions for Vista 64 video editing applications. Movie maker is too limited. I found this Sony Vegas application which looks interesting.

Any thoughts on Sony Vegas or any other NLEs for Vista 64?
Depending on the complexity of your goals, for nearly a decade now I've done all my video editing with VirtualDub, because it does every single thing I have requirements to do in terms of video editing and post production. It truly is one of the most amazing applications - and considering it fits on a floppy and can do stuff even the multihundred megabyte monster video editing suites can't, I'd say that's pretty fucking amazing.

And, if you're so inclined, it even has a 64 bit version. :)
Pinnacle Studio 11 and 12 work just fine on Vista x64, and are based on the Avid Liquid engine, I believe, so they are much more responsive than version 10 was.
+1 for Pinnacle Studio. I've been using it since v9... and yes... 10 was better and 11 is MUCH better. I have not used v12
Depending on the complexity of your goals, for nearly a decade now I've done all my video editing with VirtualDub, because it does every single thing I have requirements to do in terms of video editing and post production. It truly is one of the most amazing applications - and considering it fits on a floppy and can do stuff even the multihundred megabyte monster video editing suites can't, I'd say that's pretty fucking amazing.

And, if you're so inclined, it even has a 64 bit version. :)

Thanks, I'll look into it. Is it more feature rich than Windows Movie Maker? Really, is it less than 2MB?
Pinnacle Studio 11 and 12 work just fine on Vista x64, and are based on the Avid Liquid engine, I believe, so they are much more responsive than version 10 was.

I used Pinnacle 8 and 9 on XP. It was very feature rich and that was great. But it was unstable and slow as hell. Rendering a one minute video green screen segment, for example, might take 15 - 20 minutes and then before I could save it, it would crash! I was never able to complete an entire project with it. I used it for small clips which I would save and import into Ulead or Windows Movie Maker. Did you use those previous versions? Is it a lot better now?
+1 for Sony Vegas now with blu ray authoring. You can get full version 30 day trial of Vegas Pro from sony. Try it I think you will love it.
Thanks, I'll look into it. Is it more feature rich than Windows Movie Maker? Really, is it less than 2MB?

Yes, it really is. It is a video editor that stands out, really. It won't do some of the things the others will, it's not meant as that big ass huge package doing the fades, wipes, custom titling stuff, etc... those other tools I would more accurately call them "video creation and mastering suites" so... realize that going into the still absolutely amazing variety of capabilities of such a tiny and well written application as VirtualDub.
- vegas .. blows
- pinnacle .. anything they make after 1997 sucks
- Adobe .. good
- Avid .. better
- Canopus Edius .. best

Yes, it really is. It is a video editor that stands out, really. It won't do some of the things the others will, it's not meant as that big ass huge package doing the fades, wipes, custom titling stuff, etc... those other tools I would more accurately call them "video creation and mastering suites" so... realize that going into the still absolutely amazing variety of capabilities of such a tiny and well written application as VirtualDub.

Well you're right, VirtualDub is certainly tiny (950KB). That's right KB! I can't remember the last time I typed KB, we live in a GB, soon to be TB, world. VirtualDub seems to be a good tool for rough editing, getting all your scenes in order and trimmed to size. VirtualDub is fast as hell and stable. Its a useful tool. Thanks for the pointer!
While VirtualDub is very capable at what it does... I wouldn't compare it to other editing programs. It's fine for capturing, trimming, converting and stuff like that. You can edit with VirtualDub, but it's missing many features of non-linear editors.

You might not need all of the fancy wipes and fades of other programs... but a timeline interface, with the ability to see the audio track or add another audio track or music is useful when editing video.

Even the VirtualDub website says this: "VirtualDub is a video capture/processing utility for 32-bit Windows platforms. It lacks the editing power of a general-purpose editor such as Adobe Premiere, but is streamlined for fast linear operations over video."

VirtualDub is fine for certain things you'd want to do with video files... but you can't compare it to Pinnacle Studio or Windows Movie Maker. They are 2 different types of applications. VirtualDub is a video utility... the others are non-linear editing programs. Vegas Movie Studio or Adobe Premiere Elements are decent video editing programs for a reasonable price.
- pinnacle .. anything they make after 1997 sucks

- Avid .. better
You know that for the last two versions of Pinnacle Studio, the engine was made by Avid? Pinnacle Systems is now part of Avid. Version 10 sucked and was incredibly clunky and unresponsive, but 11 and 12 are leaps and bounds better.
Interesting.. well thanks for the info. The last version I used in television production was 10, then we switched to Adobe and Canopus. Anyhow, I just tried out the demo of the new Pinnacle, and I still like Edius far better, especially for HD editing.
I made the mistake of buying 10 on a friends recommendation, without reading any reviews. Let's just say MaxPC was generous in giving it a 3 out of 10. I bought version 11 for company use, and it is so much more responsive and usable.
I made the mistake of buying 10 on a friends recommendation, without reading any reviews. Let's just say MaxPC was generous in giving it a 3 out of 10. I bought version 11 for company use, and it is so much more responsive and usable.

Agree, 9 & 10 were almost not useable. I just read a review of 12 and they said there were only a couple of stability issues. Plus once it recovered the auto save feature put every thing back where it was and they didn't loose any work! I thought, hmmm that's kinda like a car company saying, "sure our brakes fail, but we have air bags now".

The reason I'm even considering 12 is that I know the app pretty well and it does have a lot of professional features. I just wish they would have created a rock stable foundation before they added all the bell and whistles.