Video drivers uses 100% CPU?


Limp Gawd
Jun 23, 2002
I just replaced my geforce FX5500 with a geforce 6800xt a couple days ago. If runs games perfectly fine and much better than my FX. But everytime I try playing video files (.avi, .mpeg, .mkv, etc) the media program would use 100% of my CPU's power. May it be winamp, VLC, zoom \player, windows media player. The comp would slow down to a crawl and takes minutes to shut down. However, I can hear the sound to the video file.

I had no problems with my FX5500 when I played video files. This started when I tried playing some video files for the first time today on my new card. So far from what I researched on the internet, it made be bad nvidia drivers. I've tried using various versions of the driver going back to the 70s versions. Can anyone confirm that it's the bad drivers?

My comp spec is in my sig.
When you do your drivers, uninstall them and then use Driver Cleaner. Then install the current drivers. When I had my 6800U, I never had this problem with any of the current drivers (changed over to ATI when nVidia was at 91.31 drivers)
I had this exact same problem. The Fix that worked for me was to use codec sniper (google it). Download it and run it and it will show you any broken codecs, choose these broken ones and delete them. You may have to then get the XP codec pack and reinstall the broken ones. This fix worked for me, if it doesn't work for you then at least you have eliminated one possibility!!! Hope this helps.....
tried turning down hardware acceleartion in windows media player? and yeah i think downloaded nvidia drivers are useless (to me anyway)
this year so far back to 67.xx
they used to be so good and it was ati that was janky then
how times have changed