Video Card Issues I cant seem to get rid of (screen tearing, checkering, CTD's)


Sep 2, 2005
Like the title said, I've been having various issues which I am pretty sure are graphics related that I cant seem to iron out.

Mainly, despite gaming with vsync enabled, disabled, and all combinations in between, (both via the catalyst control center, and/or the application settings) I still get major screen tearing. Even when out of an application, my 3rd monitor (the one connected via active displayport/dvi adapter) has a edge-to edge "scan line" slowly moving up creating a tear when windows are moved across it (or a video is playing).

Generally, the v-sync setting via the catalyst control center seems to do nothing, whereas the application v-sync setting helps somewhat, but introduces checkering.

When I do have v-sync and any amount of anti-aliasing enabled (even 1x for Bad company 2), I get "checkering" all over the screen; this is very noticeable during cut scenes. the level of checkering varies form very annoying to "cant see what the hell is going on".

Finally, and I am not 100% sure if this is entirely related to the graphics cards, but In pretty much any game I play I eventually get a crash to desktop. Time to CTD varies, but is about 10-15 minutes in. So far, this occurs during Just cause 2, Portal 2 (extremely consistently), and BF bad company 2.

I have pulled back all of my overclocks back to hardware defaults, but the problems still persists. My cards have never gotten above 95 C and usually hover around 89 C when at full load (I could run cooler, but me no gusta loud fans).

system specs:

CPU:Intel i5 3.3GHz sandy bridge
Video: two MSI R6970's in crossfire
Ram: G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 8GB

6116x1200 eyefinity setup (3 monitors with bezel compensation)

latest drivers installed.

Edit: If I reduce the game resolution to 1920x 1200, the problems seem to go away (i cant confirm the CTD's yet). Any ideas?
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Like the title said, I've been having various issues which I am pretty sure are graphics related that I cant seem to iron out.

Mainly, despite gaming with vsync enabled, disabled, and all combinations in between, (both via the catalyst control center, and/or the application settings) I still get major screen tearing. Even when out of an application, my 3rd monitor (the one connected via active displayport/dvi adapter) has a edge-to edge "scan line" slowly moving up creating a tear when windows are moved across it (or a video is playing).

Generally, the v-sync setting via the catalyst control center seems to do nothing, whereas the application v-sync setting helps somewhat, but introduces checkering.

When I do have v-sync and any amount of anti-aliasing enabled (even 1x for Bad company 2), I get "checkering" all over the screen; this is very noticeable during cut scenes. the level of checkering varies form very annoying to "cant see what the hell is going on".

Finally, and I am not 100% sure if this is entirely related to the graphics cards, but In pretty much any game I play I eventually get a crash to desktop. Time to CTD varies, but is about 10-15 minutes in. So far, this occurs during Just cause 2, Portal 2 (extremely consistently), and BF bad company 2.

I have pulled back all of my overclocks back to hardware defaults, but the problems still persists. My cards have never gotten above 95 C and usually hover around 89 C when at full load (I could run cooler, but me no gusta loud fans).

system specs:

CPU:Intel i5 3.3GHz sandy bridge
Video: two MSI R6970's in crossfire
Ram: G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 8GB

6116x1200 eyefinity setup (3 monitors with bezel compensation)

latest drivers installed.

11.6b driver release resolves the checker board issue you are experiencing, however it does not resolve the lack of vsync in general.
You may want to try tripple buffering to get rid of the scanline, that seems to help me in almost all cases.
which adapters do you use from the card to your screens?

the active adapters seem to cause all sorts of problems.:mad:
Have you tried to run a single 6970 and see if these issues still exist?
Ok, I installed the hotfix, and the checkering and majority of the tearing went away! :D
but now I'm having issues with crossfire not working 100% :mad:
Issues like crossfire getting disabled, one core clock running at overclock speed and the other at hardware defaults, etc.... :confused:

I still have the scan-line issue with my third monitor. Its worth mentioning that the connections goes: displayport --> active adapter --> dvi-to-hdmi cable --> hdmi in on monitor.

If i go for the straight dvi to dvi cable, I get tiny pixel-size pink/magenta artifacts all over the screen. They seem to show up for specific colors. (ie, if you had the entire screen one color, and slowly moved sliders to change the hue/color/etc, suddenly you'd end up with the entire screen full of pink artifacts for that one specific color). However, the scanline disappears... so adapter problem maybe?

the adapter i'm using:

Also, I am still getting CTD's, but I think thats more of an overclock issue; currently I'm going at hardware defaults to see if I still get CTD's.
So for now, my tearing and checkering issues have been reduced to a single scan line on my third monitor, which tbh, doesn't really bother me since its in my peripheral vision anyway. The only thing that has changed is that the scan line is no longer slowly moving upwards, but extremely slowly downwards.. it looks like its standing still at a casual glance (as previously mentioned, the only way to see it is to drag a window across it or play a video in that region and see the tearing).

As for the CTD issue, I have only tested this with bad company 2 so far, but I am no longer getting CTD's... Now the game just freezes after around 40 minutes or so, and requires a hard restart of the computer to get out. :( Again, all my temps are within normal conditions. I'll try with other games and see what happens

Also, I just installed the latest application profiles, and I'll see what that does.

Btw, thanks for all your help so far; I wasnt even aware of all the application profiles and beta drivers available :D