VIA K8M800 chipset ( Biostar K8VGA-M) - Overclocking help (bios has nothing...)


Limp Gawd
Aug 20, 2001
Can anyone help me to get better results with this board? I recently purchased it along with a socket 754 A64 because it was cheap and I didnt feel like waiting to afford a better board.

The bios has no voltage options for anything, I believe the problem to be the VIA chipset and no AGP/PCI lock as I can set the bus to 225Mhz and boot windows with no problems and use it as well with no crashes but it hard locks shortly after attempting to initialize any 3d engine. The two sticks of ram i use are 1- 512MB pc3200 and 1- 512MB pc4000 both are kingston chips. I believe the pc3200 is what holds me to 225Mhz bus speeds as far as booting goes.

The Video card is a radeon 9700 pro which I know is like most agp cards sensitive to the AGP clock, and with no AGP voltage setting in the bios I cant try to overvolt it to run at higher AGP bus speeds.

So. Can anyone help? Do any of you know of a way to either hex edit a bios dump to change the agp voltage value or maybe flash it with a non biostar bios to allow voltage changes? The board is newer I think but I am going to try and find any board mods for settings not available in the bios like the vcore, AGP, and RAM voltages. I have looked into volt modding the Radeon but would rather get the board itself to up the voltage rather the card if at all possible. My bios is flashed to the latest available one for the ATI R9700pro and I have flashed to the latest for the motherboard as well with no help or changes in OC results. (although the newer R9700 bios seems to have added a frame or more to my average FPS in most games like HL2. :D)

thank you in advance for the replies-
