Very strange problem with WIN XP, can you guys help ?

Aug 23, 2004
Hi people, annoyingly when I press on my computer harddisks, the search window comes up instead of just opening the drive/folder as one would expect, i think iv found the problem, if you look at this pic below you can see 'search' is at the top of menu in bold, on all my other computers its 'open' thats in bold, how do i change this back ? Any ideas much appreciated , - Combat Squirrel

You might be able to change the "Default Action" for a Drive by going to control panel -> folder options -> Select the "Drive" file type and go to Advanced.
Hi, yes this is what i was thinking, iv clicked on advanced button and all it comes up with is to let me add a new action, iv typed in open (or explore as open folder options have) and click ok,but it comes up with an error asking what program should it use to perform this action, is it explorer.exe or something like that ? Iv look in the system32 folder, but there is about 100 exe files, and no explorer.exe file, any ideas people ?