Valve To Steam Deck Owners: Stop Huffing Its Vent Fumes


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
"Have you ever taken a break from playing your Steam Deck to sample the complex fragrances emanating from its exhaust vent?...if so, you aren’t alone...since the release of the handheld PC, many owners have reported that they can’t stop sniffing the fumes that waft out of the Steam Deck during’s become a bit of a meme among Steam Deck owners, with folks often posting online how much they enjoy the distinctive aroma

I’m one of those sickos, sticking my nose right above the exhaust and taking a big whiff each time I play...but someone finally asked Valve about this, and it turns out the company wants you all to knock it off..."
I deal with plastic wrapped merchandise bags at Walmart everyday nothing will happen. I make these big bales of plastic I don't stand too close to the stuff when compressing because it can find it's way up my nose but flush out with water.
I can see doing this when its brand new as the heat accelerates release of VOCs used in manufacturing but it eventually goes away.
Brand new electronics in the box have "that smell", any techie knows exactly what I'm talking about! Brand new motherboards and video cards pulled right out of the anti static bag! That's an aroma they could sell in a can and charge a pretty penny for!

And for those old enough to remember dittos in high school! Another great smell!


Yeah I'm going to buy a Steam Deck just play the hottest games and huff them once the components heat up.
It all started when they wouldn't let us eat the tasty silica jellybeans they ship with everything. :(

I can see doing this when its brand new as the heat accelerates release of VOCs used in manufacturing but it eventually goes away.
Brand new electronics in the box have "that smell", any techie knows exactly what I'm talking about! Brand new motherboards and video cards pulled right out of the anti static bag! That's an aroma they could sell in a can and charge a pretty penny for!

And for those old enough to remember dittos in high school! Another great smell!



To be fair, I never once had a ditto that did anything..ANYTHING...and god damnit I while I support the Nostalgia wholeheartedly, I never got a buzz from a Ditto, hence the Dittio is a LIE. Now....standing in the garage while the 78 Dodge Dart was warming up and pretending to be KISS in the exhaust fumes, that..well...that was a buzz!
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To be fair, I never once had a ditto that did anything..ANYTHING...and god damnit I while I support the Nostalgia wholeheartedly, I never got a buzz from a Ditto. Now....standing in the garage while the 78 Dodge Dart was warming up and pretending to be KISS in the exhaust fumes, that..well...that was a buzz!
Yeah never enough for a buzz but it sure did smell good!
Those Magnum44 permanent markers, OTOH, were brutal! ;-)
It smells EXACTLY like my Compudyne 486 from CompUSA. The nostalgia hits so hard. I'm huffing those fumes like a crack addict ;)
F**k me I was doing this just last night. I was playing a game, fell asleep and what woke me up is a rush of hot air from the steam deck that was on my chest and blowing hot air up my nose. I don't think this was the first time lol, but it was the first time in a 3d game instead of 2d platform like game so the fan was pretty high and the air hot. :facepalm:
First we can’t eat Tide PODS … and now this? The world isn’t fair!
Born in 76, we didn't have pods, we drank straight from the bottles.
I also like to make plastic bags great again and remove the warnings for the new generations!