VAC2 next week or so.


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 31, 2003
Ran across this--->

I hoped it was true. But that was dated on the 9th of this month, and still nothing. :(

I know that there will always be loser hackers, but VAC2 should catch a LOT of noobs out there, and some that think they are being sneaky with the hacks.

But I also realize that ADMINS are the best deturrent to cheating. Find an active server with active ADMINS, and you have a great gaming experience. I haven't found one yet. :(

I had 7 hackers in a 4 hour span on one server tonight. ugh.
good i hope all thoes people who hack get their steam accounts banned for 5+ years, they ruin the game for everyone else.
I hope they get banned for a year. I got banned for 5 years a year and a half ago, for something they won't even explain to me. I most assuredly wasn't hacking, but I got banned nonetheless, and they claim their policy regarding cheaters is that they don't have to detail why they ban you for 5 years, they just can. They also said their system has never, ever made false positives. I asked them what all the fuss with the Winamp plugin was if that was true, and they stopped responding to me.

I hadnt played source in a month or so but I decided to come back for the release of cs_compound (which is now my favorite map).

There was virtually no hackers when I left and now there is usually atleast 1 hacker on every server I play on, atleast they dont deny they are hacking now. But I guess its hard to deny a hack when your guy is spinning around getting kills like mad. The servers with the most hackers are the HZ ones for glassfloor and breakglass, howevor virtually ever server I go on now has hackers. The glassfloor (one that I was on) had nearly a whole team of hackers with .r infront of their name and one mygot.

Fucking mygot can kiss my balls because they are "not making the game better" like they say they are.

It would be cool if steam has already been monitoring the hackers and is getting ready to ban then all at once. Oh I can dream cant I?

More and more guys at school have been buying videocards for their dells and sony computers and that when I got out of CS:S because it wasnt as an enjoyable community as when CS:S was released with HL2
Michael.R said:
It would be cool if steam has already been monitoring the hackers and is getting ready to ban then all at once. Oh I can dream cant I?

It's already happenned once and I'm sure they aren't afraid to do it again.
Last night i was playing some source, that was the first time i have ever actually seen a hacker in source. but i saw it a lot in a short time period. several servers had people wallhacking and speedhacking, we were playing on iceworld and these two would rush over to our side instantly and just own the whole team. it's pretty not fun, hopefully they put in the new vac soon.
133 said:
good i hope all thoes people who hack get their steam accounts banned for 5+ years, they ruin the game for everyone else.
fucking eH!!!! mame, dismember, rape and pillage. where the f'ing realism already!!??!?!?!? young punks ruin such a gr8 game

as this single topic picks my (_x_) more than any other. does anyone know of any server or service that offers/boasts a no cheating record? I'd pay for the service just to lesson cheating and get better teamplay. till that day you losers will remain the lowest form of life. assholes!
A play on a server that almost always has an admin online. Once in a while there is hacker but they are gone within the first round that they make it apparent.
When a hacker comes on the servers that I play on a lot, and when there is not an admin there, we all just spectate. So it ends up that the hacker is just there by himself, with no one to kill. Sometimes we have to wait for a while, but most of the time they leave quick.
finalgt said:
I hope they get banned for a year. I got banned for 5 years a year and a half ago, for something they won't even explain to me. I most assuredly wasn't hacking, but I got banned nonetheless, and they claim their policy regarding cheaters is that they don't have to detail why they ban you for 5 years, they just can. They also said their system has never, ever made false positives. I asked them what all the fuss with the Winamp plugin was if that was true, and they stopped responding to me.


The winamp plugin was discontinued because it was detected by VAC. There's a reason why you read changelogs...

HLAmp has been detected by VAC for atleast a couple years now...Since early 1.5.
I stopped caring about VAC 2 after about the 10th time it was announced to be released "in the next week".
Admins are the best deterrent however there are alot of inexpereinced and noob admins. It sucks that hackers are ruining it for the legit players however it sucks even more when noob admins refuses to believe someone is just good.

Yea i just got banned from another server reason being that "I have hacks that causing me to get headshots when aiming at a persons feet" lol :rolleyes:
I just cant understand the purpose of cheating in an online game; it boggles the mind. The whole point in an online game is to pit your skills against other players and to have a good time. Cheating completely undermines these things just so a single person can enjoy themself. If they want to cheat in video games so badly why dont they just play HL2 single player? Cheating in single player games is a victimless crime, like punching a blind kid.
Alowishus said:
I just cant understand the purpose of cheating in an online game; it boggles the mind. The whole point in an online game is to pit your skills against other players and to have a good time. Cheating completely undermines these things just so a single person can enjoy themself. If they want to cheat in video games so badly why dont they just play HL2 single player? Cheating in single player games is a victimless crime, like punching a blind kid.

lots of people would do exactly that if they could get away with, predominately young kids
I usually play on all the [H]ardgaming servers, admins can get rid of hackers quickly (if there is a hacker in the game without an admin, you can log onto the IRC channel and report him). The biggest thing is team stacking on that server, people like to stack one team and then annihilate the other team.
Ok before the flamers break out on me I will say I am NOT a CHEATER... but I will say this: it is fun to cheat. I don't mind the cheating of others as long as its not nonstop constant. I can handle a cheater once a week. reason being is that I remember it's still JUST A FUCKING GAME. not my life. I also find it humorus on occasion.. some nights you just get bored with the same ole play.. I look at it as nothing more than a practicle joke. as long as the person isn't trying to act like they aren't cheating and that they are a bad ass player.. if they admit it I laugh.

but hey that's my opinion. your entitled to yours
My favorite cs_assault_upc server has admins that hack, and if you hack, they ban you. Its really kind of gay.

I dunno though, I cannot wait for VAC2, personally. I want to see every hacker receive a 5 year + ban.
Sweet I just ordered HL2 from the egg and I can play now, my clans been wanting to go to source and I have been holding them back ;)

Hopefully VAC2 gets updated on a weekly basis, unannounced small updates every week will take out more hackers(and non noob hackers) than a large update every couple of months.
Hopefully they can even desgin something like CEVO uses for CS. A program that runs and watches your interactions between your computer and the server.

Lets all pray and hope valve doesnt screw us like they usually do :)

Also I think admins are terrible for catching cheaters, if you are better than them you hack, Ill admit there are a few good admins out there but most follow the if hes better than me he must hack. Thats why I have my own server :)

I have also played with a lot of esp and wall hacks and aimbot, not to win but to annoy the F outa people and learn what a hacker looks like. PS. dont flame me I only hacked on my server and against my own clan who knew I was hacking.
it really is fun to hack once in a while. it so funny to see how people react and freak out about someone cheating. if people wouldntact like you murdered someone by cheating in a video game. just so long as people arent doing it all the time its not so annoying. but
the worst hackers are the ones who try to use them discreatly to act like they are amazing. admins sometimes dont catch them and it gets really bad when ur in a scrim and people are using wallhacks or no-recoil.
Yeah I just use them to rage my friends on my server i cant stand specing somone with no recoils and esp and calling them on it and they are like I dont I just got a really sweet deagle u r jealous, then the admin is like "that guys legit he plays here all the time"
Shakezilla said:
Hopefully they can even desgin something like CEVO uses for CS. A program that runs and watches your interactions between your computer and the server.

CEVO is fugly. Aside from the fact that Heartbeat went down for preseason, and it's coded in It shouldn't be hard to fake a heartbeat.
I bet 99% of people who hack cant and cevo will have a easier time catching and updating for public realeases of it
I know it's much more effective compared to CAL, but I'm sure it'll be bypassed. Regardless of which, I wouldn't bother with 1.6 anymore, or Source for that matter, since it just isn't worth it. Both games are terrible online, Source is just plain terrible, and there's no decent lan tournaments for 1.6 anymore.
Does anybody know if Valve will release some other updates to HL2 D.M. along with the VAC 2? Like the 3 new maps and the crouching fix?
It aint the major hackers and speedhackers that pisses me off, its the damn ones that make their hacks less suspicious. Like setting aimvec to chest/neck, setting speedhack to 1.1 or 1.2 x speed, so that you can't tell they're cheating unless you watch them for a long time. Those type of hackers get "passed off" as normal players, so when they are top of the leaderboard everyone thinks they're amazing. Whereas if a speedhacker is 1st, everyone thinks they're crap.
Zxcs said:
It aint the major hackers and speedhackers that pisses me off, its the damn ones that make their hacks less suspicious. Like setting aimvec to chest/neck, setting speedhack to 1.1 or 1.2 x speed, so that you can't tell they're cheating unless you watch them for a long time. Those type of hackers get "passed off" as normal players, so when they are top of the leaderboard everyone thinks they're amazing. Whereas if a speedhacker is 1st, everyone thinks they're crap.

how do you know so much about these cheat settings? aimvec?
LOL...I remember a LONG time ago when I absolutely despised CS that I saw someone use OGC and I just HAD to wreak havoc...LOL...most hilarious thing evar...those CS fanb0ys reactions were classics...LOL...and getting the n00biez were even more fun...BWAHAHAHAHAHA....I even remember clan pwn3d CS ppl...LOL...they were so funny to watch...I'd always go into Spec mode and sit back and laugh...

But that's back when I was evil...I leave CS alone now cause there are better games out nowadays....

ANYWAYS...why are you ppl so psyched about VAC2??? Since when did the first VAC for HL1 ever succeed??? VAC2 will just get cracked and bypassed by hax0rz just like they do for Punkbuster...but what'll be funny is when they turn VAC2 on and it catches a bunch of cheaters all at once...LOL...I hope Valve attaches a counter or something to tally how many VAC2 caught once they turned it on...LOL...

And what'll be even MORE funnier is when they start banning all the hax0rz CD keys that were stolen/generated that also match legit CD keys...BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! And they'll force the legit ppl to pay a fine to get their CD key replaced because someone hax0r3d it...oh my...this might just be even more funny than cheating on CS again back in the day...:p...can't wait to see how Valve handles the cheaters that VAC2 catches...
myg0t are a bunch of script kiddies. They know nothing about hacking. ;)
young ass cheating fucks. just respect that some people want realism and want nothing to do with cheating. don't rebuttle this fact, just hear it and fully understand it

I will give a thanks to those who admit they admirable cheater? naaaaah!
Metallica_Band said:
LOL...I remember a LONG time ago when I absolutely despised CS that I saw someone use OGC and I just HAD to wreak havoc...LOL...most hilarious thing evar...those CS fanb0ys reactions were classics...LOL...and getting the n00biez were even more fun...BWAHAHAHAHAHA....I even remember clan pwn3d CS ppl...LOL...they were so funny to watch...I'd always go into Spec mode and sit back and laugh...

But that's back when I was evil...I leave CS alone now cause there are better games out nowadays....

ANYWAYS...why are you ppl so psyched about VAC2??? Since when did the first VAC for HL1 ever succeed??? VAC2 will just get cracked and bypassed by hax0rz just like they do for Punkbuster...but what'll be funny is when they turn VAC2 on and it catches a bunch of cheaters all at once...LOL...I hope Valve attaches a counter or something to tally how many VAC2 caught once they turned it on...LOL...

And what'll be even MORE funnier is when they start banning all the hax0rz CD keys that were stolen/generated that also match legit CD keys...BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! And they'll force the legit ppl to pay a fine to get their CD key replaced because someone hax0r3d it...oh my...this might just be even more funny than cheating on CS again back in the day...:p...can't wait to see how Valve handles the cheaters that VAC2 catches...

who is this kid? do me a favor and *edited. a bit too harsh*. your immaturity is overbearing.
Hee hee...touched a nerve have I?? It was a LONG time ago...I don't cheat online anymore...but it was fun at the time...the ppls reactions made CS so myg0t still terrorizing CS?
actually i don't even play counterstrike. you just seem like a very immature brat judging by the way you word your posts.
Metallica_Band said:
LOL...I remember a LONG time ago when I absolutely despised CS that I saw someone use OGC and I just HAD to wreak havoc...LOL...most hilarious thing evar...those CS fanb0ys reactions were classics...LOL...and getting the n00biez were even more fun...BWAHAHAHAHAHA....I even remember clan pwn3d CS ppl...LOL...they were so funny to watch...I'd always go into Spec mode and sit back and laugh...

But that's back when I was evil...I leave CS alone now cause there are better games out nowadays....

ANYWAYS...why are you ppl so psyched about VAC2??? Since when did the first VAC for HL1 ever succeed??? VAC2 will just get cracked and bypassed by hax0rz just like they do for Punkbuster...but what'll be funny is when they turn VAC2 on and it catches a bunch of cheaters all at once...LOL...I hope Valve attaches a counter or something to tally how many VAC2 caught once they turned it on...LOL...

And what'll be even MORE funnier is when they start banning all the hax0rz CD keys that were stolen/generated that also match legit CD keys...BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! And they'll force the legit ppl to pay a fine to get their CD key replaced because someone hax0r3d it...oh my...this might just be even more funny than cheating on CS again back in the day...:p...can't wait to see how Valve handles the cheaters that VAC2 catches...

When VAC first came out, it got alot of people. They had updates every week, and people were getting banned left right and center. Then they just had less frequent updates, til no updates at all for months. They haven't updated VAC since last July.
Metallica_Band said:
LOL...I remember a LONG time ago when I absolutely despised CS that I saw someone use OGC and I just HAD to wreak havoc...LOL...most hilarious thing evar...those CS fanb0ys reactions were classics...LOL...and getting the n00biez were even more fun...BWAHAHAHAHAHA....I even remember clan pwn3d CS ppl...LOL...they were so funny to watch...I'd always go into Spec mode and sit back and laugh...

But that's back when I was evil...I leave CS alone now cause there are better games out nowadays....

ANYWAYS...why are you ppl so psyched about VAC2??? Since when did the first VAC for HL1 ever succeed??? VAC2 will just get cracked and bypassed by hax0rz just like they do for Punkbuster...but what'll be funny is when they turn VAC2 on and it catches a bunch of cheaters all at once...LOL...I hope Valve attaches a counter or something to tally how many VAC2 caught once they turned it on...LOL...

And what'll be even MORE funnier is when they start banning all the hax0rz CD keys that were stolen/generated that also match legit CD keys...BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! And they'll force the legit ppl to pay a fine to get their CD key replaced because someone hax0r3d it...oh my...this might just be even more funny than cheating on CS again back in the day...:p...can't wait to see how Valve handles the cheaters that VAC2 catches...


You read like a fucking caricature.
Metallica_Band said:
Hee hee...touched a nerve have I?? It was a LONG time ago...I don't cheat online anymore...but it was fun at the time...the ppls reactions made CS so myg0t still terrorizing CS?
Read: I only used to be a tard, I'm not anymore! hehehe!